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My Join-Up® Experience
Share the good, bad and the funny!
Title | Date | By | Replies |
What did I do Wrong??? | caiti.jane | 2 | |
Beginner Problems | jor | 32 | |
old | katieforee | 2 | |
I'm not getting the equus signals | lynn486 | 4 | |
Join Up with a Mini! | nelliebell | 9 | |
Straight to follow up? | lisantantoulis | 5 | |
Difficulty with join up | Nikki | 7 | |
Join up first attempt | adamplatts | 8 | |
re-doing join-up's | star | 10 | |
Did I do the right thing? | sandie | 6 | |
How Far To Go With Join Up? | emlaw | 8 | |
1st attempt at join up | linda | 22 | |
home videos really help | star | 29 | |
My first join-up | sandie | 8 | |
Los videos en español | jesus.perez | 4 | |
No Pen at all | Michelle | 11 | |
Georgia's phobias | star | 8 | |
stuborn horse | Razzle | 17 | |
My First Join up. | christenarosehorses | 2 | |
Join Up without the pen? | LoveHorses | 6 | |
Our First time | Nicky | 6 | |
Dazed horse after Join Up | zeby786 | 2 | |
Pickles | tiggs4e | 9 | |
Join- Up didn't quite work out. | Candi | 6 | |
Maybe a little too joined up? | medicinalarts | 4 |
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