I was just watching Monty's lessons on Georgia and I started to cry.
It was as if I were watching MY Star Mejestic when I first rescued her.
I can see now that after two years of applying Monty's methods, how far she has come.
I am so pround of her and the courage she has shown.
To all you horse lovers out there,
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Georgia's phobias

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I looked at the video again and what struck me this time is how accommodating and patient Georgia really is. Scared to the extreme yet she comes back to Monty very calmly. She really is a beautiful horse with a kind eye. Anytime I see a horse that has that kind eye look, almost serene I know that the horse will meet me half way. If you don't get excited and stay calm these horses will tolerate an awful lot uncomfortable situations as long as you treat them fairly.
I am sure you have a great sense of accomplishment with the work you have done with MyStar. I must say that MyStar may have shown the courage to trust you but you have to be commended on your courage to take on MyStar in the first place. I don't know if you had that instant connection with her or not but it paid off for you.
Like Dennis I checked out this lesson again. I was really touched by it the first time I saw it as you have been Ronda. Georgia also reminded me of my Pie. She was terrified of most people when she first came to me particularly men but she had beautiful soft doe like eyes. Like you Dennis I always look at the eyes on a horse first. Yes, like Dennis, I congratulate you, Ronda, on the progress you have made with MyStar.
Thank you very much for your encouragement. I really appreciate it.
I just had a seizure and am not to wise right now so I will say good bye,
I hope you just mean good buy for today only. We would miss your insight and humor if you leave.
Feel better. Go touch your horse!
Hi Dennis,
I feel much better now.
After I have seizure I am very confused for a while and very tired.
My husband said as I was coming out my concern was for Star.
In a short time I will be grooming her for the night, we will both be happy with that.
Thank you for your kind words.
I guess you guys are stuck with me for a while longer. Hope that's OK.
Hi Ronda,
Don't you dare to leave us!!! We can't miss you.
I am thinking of you and hope it will help a little bit.
Go to My Star, sit down and let her do where she is so good at.I hope you are feeling better afterwords and hearing you soon again.
I wish you the best, because you deserve it!!
Oh....and give My Star a big hug from me, to thank her to take care of you.
Ha, a big hug from Holland.
See you later,
I did as you guys said, I went to Star and groomed her. She was very happy to see me as I was her.
I became tired very easily but we had some time together.
It was very bad weather here yesterday and I kept her in her stall with Buggsy and she was very happy for the company.
Today it is cold by I will let her out, with my husband's help so she can fly around, likes she loves to do.
I will give her a big hug, I promise.
She has grown so much this summer that I have to ask her to lower her head so I can do this but she likes her ears rubbed so she won't mind.
The sun is shining now and that is good.
You all have a sunny day,
Hi Ronda,
I am happy to hear that!!!
And how wonderfull it is that Buggsy and Star are friends and that they have each others company.
I think it is also for you a good feeling that Star is not alone and gives you more rest and you don't have to feel quilty. Am I right?
That was a very good idea of Dennis, don't you think?
Yesterday, I was at the neighbours for a horseriding lesson in the sandschool.
Afterwords I gave the horses an apple and my ladyfriend (who gives me lessons there)said: "well we have to go through the barn and there in the corner is also a horse". I thought: "!?!?".
It was very dark so we had to go into the barn with a torch.
And there IT was, all alone in a very dusty stable, no nothing around him. Yes IT!!!, that's how it felt for me.
The owner has three horses and they go out in the morning, in the field, just for 2/3 hours and then go back to the stable for the rest of the day and the night!!!
This hurts me so much, but I can't do anything about it now, because there were already so many people, inclusive my ladyfriend, who told the owner what the best was for the horses, but he wan't listen. He is a stubburn farmer and I think he sees it, in my feeling, as articles of use.
When I watch(ed) Georgia, I can understand you Ronda that you are crying and thinking of Star. Probably it will be tears of pain and tears of happiness. I am so glad you are doing so well with Star and viceversa.
I know you will keep on doing this and Star too, friends for life!!!. My wish is, that one day I can convince that stubbern farmer to do better.
Have a nice day and hope you are feeling better and better.
Kind regards, May