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Horse Behavior and Training
Title | Date | By | Replies |
cowboy and the queen | sheila4278 | 5 | |
Long Lining with Snaffle Bit and Dually Halter Together | kengeorge | 3 | |
What trust can achieve | JoHewittVINTA | 2 | |
TOP Pole Training | kengeorge | 1 | |
Training with the TOP Pole and a Five year old | kengeorge | 2 | |
Lead Changes | kengeorge | 0 | |
Long Lining | kengeorge | 1 | |
Trust is a two-way street | JoHewittVINTA | 0 | |
Round Pin Dimensions | w.taylor | 7 | |
Side Reins with Elastic bands and Driving Surcingle | kengeorge | 1 | |
Aggressive horse | tmzick | 4 | |
Pacifier Mask? | arabian2hearts | 12 | |
Join up ring | nathanielbowman6677 | 2 | |
PTSD in a pony | krista67bruce | 1 | |
Untouched 2 yo rescue mare very resistant to Join-up and touch | GinahCalkins | 2 | |
New Mustang | Jack.ott | 2 | |
Rearing with dually halter | dimity | 1 | |
Are there horses who hate groundwork? | MamaBear | 1 | |
"Patience Poles" | MamaBear | 0 | |
Join up clock position | nathanielbowman6677 | 1 | |
horse behaviour when it is very cold | Malina | 8 | |
Help with Buddy Sour Horse | uxdesignam | 1 | |
Close Companionship | Gogreenroofing1 | 2 | |
long lining | LindaR | 6 | |
Trailer Issue | kathymw | 2 |
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