
Monty Roberts Equus Online University
Horse Training Video Instruction Program

Learn all about Equus • Dually Halter • Shy Boy Mustang • Jumping Horses
• Story of a Horse Whisperer • Riding Horsemanship • Dressage Horses • Willing Partners
• Horse Training • Round Pen Lessons • Performance Horses • Join-Up

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The Listening Lounge

The place to talk about the Uni lessons, funding for courses, locate certified instructors and get their feedback about Uni content.

Title Date By Replies
Back from Great Britain, Devon!!! May - Holland 33
Wrong environment culprenski 6
Online University kristi_renz 0
Certificate Courses Alecia 28
Important request about fighting the violence cristina 0
Devon, here I come!!! May - Holland 6
training beware !!! star 8
Horse breeds??? star 26
great books ruthy - Gold Coast, Australia 16
Stretching ????? star 5
Getting insight into different minds stephaniearoy 2
Introductory Courses in Queensland Australia Lynn Mitchell - Certified Instructor 8
Australian Monty Fans - upcoming courses! ruthy - Gold Coast, Australia 9
Comment about lesson "Hello, Centaur!" Horse addict (From the good old USA) 3
Anyone else going to Laira Golds two week course in july? Amber Temple 0
Question about Courses Horse addict (From the good old USA) 8
Join up with an abandoned dog Kathy Z 5
The 6 Imperatives Backing Up Last lesson sjj_007 4
Join-Up Courses in the UK this summer lairagold 0
Join-Up Works morsemaryjo 1
Latest from UK! kelly.marks 2
Mailbox for answers on the forum renjaho - Hamburg, Germany 0
Announcement! EXTRA DISCOUNT COUPON austen.atkinson 5
Disappointed in myself richandi 11
Missing Georgia lesson 8? Kathryn in NZ 3