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great books

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Hi guys,
I thought we should list books that we have thought are helpful when it comes to working with our horses. Obviously Monty's books belong on this list, but if anyone recommends others it would be good to know. I am currently reading an interesting book called True Unity by an old American horseman, Tom Dorrance. It is very interesting, so closely aligned with Monty's concepts. It's not always very clear (I think he is better with horses perhaps than words) but i still got a lot out of it.
Anyway, would love to get some feedback on other great horse books!

MaggieF, Melbourne - Australia
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One of my favourites is "Horse Control - the Young Horse" by Tom Roberts published in 1974 - perhaps not as well known an author and horseman overseas as he has been in Australia. He has also published a couple of other books but this is my favourite. It was my manual and guide for breaking in my young horse over the past couple of years

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FYI Tom Dorrance is the original horse whisperer although he never thought of the term. He has influenced just about every horse trainer there is, either directly working with them or having his books read. You are right about him being better with horses than words. You have to really concentrate on what he is saying because he does not say too much, but what he does say are jewels of wisdom.
Thanks for recommending Tom and of course Monty's writings.


Gen (Queensland, Australia)
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Hi Ruthy
Where did you get your Tom Dorrance book from? I had heard of him, but could not place the name until Dennis put up his post. Thanks for that Dennis :-)
A book I have found really good is Pat Coleby's Natural Horse Care: a practical guide.
A lot of people don't like her methods, but I have found the remedies of hers that I have used have worked every time.
Kind regards,

Horse addict (From the good old USA)
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"Animals Make Us Human" by Temple Grandin, "Horse Sense for People" by Monty Roberts are some good ones that I've read, and of course, "From My Hands to Yours" also by Monty Roberts.

Kicki -- Sweden
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There are a couple of books on horse psychology, written by British horse-man Henry Blake, that is well worth reading.
"Talking With Horses: A Study of Communication Between Man and Horse" , "Thinking with horses", and "Horse sense".
They are still in print, and can be found on Amazon.

julie m.
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I love Monty's books best, as they are so clear and easily understood and the ideas can be executed easily and consistently. I am also reading Clinton Anderson's Down Under Horsemanship right now. Good groundwork exercises there. He does recommend smart taps with a carrot stick (a stick with a good grip, not the veggie) as discipline which I don't care for at all, but that action is easily substituted with a backing up action with the Dually in most cases. Have read the Dorrance book too-very good. I also really liked Mark Rashid's Horses Never Lie.

ruthy - Gold Coast, Australia
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Wow, this is great guys! It is great to hear what you have all been reading.
Gen, i have read that Pat Coleby book a couple of times (and often refer back to it), and for probably 15 years now my horses have only ever followed a natural diet thanks to Pat and also Victoria Ferguson. I have found it to be economical and my horses are super healthy, shiny and have good hooves on it. As for the Tom Dorrance book, the copy i have i borrowed from a friend, but you might be able to find a copy on Ebay.
Julie I might try and get my hands on that Clinton Anderson book- sometimes I wonder what I can do in addition to the long-lining, so that might be helpful.
Let's keep the book recommendations coming!

Gen (Queensland, Australia)
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Hi Ruthy
You would be one of very few people who have given me a positive response to the Pat Coleby book. Thank you :-)
I agree with everything you say here in your post.
I am going to try to get a hold of the Tom Dorrance book and a few others mentioned here.
See you later,

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

after Monty's books I really like a guy called Clinton Anderson, I have onlly read two of his books but both are really good they are called, "Lessons well learned : why my method works for any horse" and "Clinton Anderson's downunder horsemanship : establishing respect and control for English and western riders"

Great topic by the way

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it's great to see what everyone's been reading ...
it goes without saying that Monty's books are fab - and here's a few others I enjoyed.
Kelly Marks - from Intelligent Horsemanship in the UK - has written some brilliant books about improving your relationship with your horse e.g. 'Perfect Partners'. Kelly has great practical tips, funny stories and just makes good sense!
Mark Rashid uses his own experiences (often learned the hard way!) to illustrate lessons on achieving harmony with your horse. The latest one I read is 'Whole Heart, Whole Horse' - with parallels to the martial art of aikido - philosophical and 'home-spun' at the same time!
The books I've got by Linda Tellington-Jones look a bit old fashioned now (photos of riders in flares and tweeds!) but some very interesting concepts on ground work, body work and horse personality.
Cherry Hill has done a series of really handy pocket guides for English and Western riding - exercises to practice then test your progress.
And one for dog-lovers: in 'The Practical Dog Listener' (2002) Jan Fennell talks about getting a better relationship with your dog by understanding its own language (sound like a familiar concept?)
Happy reading! Gillian

Miriam (Holland&Germany)
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Hi Gen,
The Tom Dorrance book "True Unity" I just ordered and received at
No problem getting it. I don't know about Australia, but english books should be available in all English speaking countries, don't you think?!
Before that I read Ray Hunt " Think harmony with horses".
Both need some adapting to their way of thinking, but give a lot.....
Take care,

Gen (Queensland, Australia)
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Hi Miriam
I finally got time to look up Tom Torrance on the internet, and found that he has a website. There is the book True Unity and 3 or 4 DVDs available as well. The Tom Dorrance website also has a link to Ray Hunt's.
I didn't think of because I have tried to find some other obscure books on there before and have been unsuccessful. Will look first and ask questions later next time :-)
Now that I know who he is, his book is at the top of my wish list.
See you later,

ruthy - Gold Coast, Australia
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Hi all,

I just wanted to say I've just finished reading Mark Rashid's "Whole Heart, Whole Horse" which Gillian recommended on here. I really got a lot out of this book. It made me really think about my relationship with my horse. I think I will re-read it!
I first read Mark Rashid's "Considering the Horse" which was good, but was very much trial and error as it was early on in his work with horses, and I found that he didn't have the reasoning behind "WHY" he was doing something. But the Whole Heart, Whole Horse book I found to be excellent.
Happy reading people!
PS Does anyone know if Stacy Westfall has any books? Or does she only have the DVDs, and if so, has anyone watched any of them and what are their thoughts? Thanks!

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Ruthy I saw Stacey Westfall Videos and I was amazed. She is a true horseman.
When she rides it's like she is flying. I loved it.
I have read Clinton's books as well and also found them informative. He's a bit aggressive but believes it gets the work done. I beieve in one of the two books he has out it says something like this: if it is raining, windy, etc... and you want to ride expect to die. I thought that was funny and understood his thought, sometimes a horse just doesn't want to be bothered.
Over the years I've read so much it's hard to remember them all, Equine magazines, older books on riding in different sports and I have found them all to be informative in their own way.
One more step to Monty, I guess.
Right now I'm reading Sean Patrick's book, The Modern Horseman's Countdown to Broke. It is easy to understand and a lot of it is similiar to Monty's method.
There are no gimmicks, simple equipment and step by step training.
He uses some terms in there like, sacking out, which he refers to as desentizing with plastic bags, etc... but no violence.
I have read so many and have enjoyed all of them and learned a bit from each.
Thanks for making this post.
I'd like to read Toms's book, he was a mentor for Pat Parelli and he mentions him often.

ruthy - Gold Coast, Australia
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Thanks Ronda. I think I will get one of Clinton Anderson's books next, and I think I might buy one of stacy's training dvds too.

Gen (Queensland, Australia)
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Hi Ruth
Love your new profile photo :-) You both look great! Yep, I am with you Ronda, Stacy Westfall is pretty darn good. I have all of her DVDs. I particularly like her ground work exercises.
See you later,