
Monty Roberts Equus Online University
Horse Training Video Instruction Program

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Horse Sense for People

Working with horses and children


I have a friend who is struggling with her child.. I have given her Monty's books to read and I can already see a difference in her behavior towards understanding her daughter. She comes out to my property with her daughter to ride the horses, and coming out has given her so much peace. She has opened up so much. She is much more relaxed and faces the world with a better attitude!
Her 6 year old daughter bonded with my 17 year old Thoroughbred... He goes out of his way to please this little girl, I am excited to start teaching her join-up to increase the bond she has with him! It was something to witness and it took everyone's breath away when it happened!
There is nothing in the world to describe what that is like.
I am glad I can share what I know about horses and what I have learned through Monty with people who need it in their lives! If I can bring a little peace to someone else... I think I am helping to make this world a better place, for horses and people!

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed

I agree, and I am happy for you experience! Keep doing this wonderful job, to bring peace and joy into peolple's lives! Never keep anything good to yourself, always share it with others! Thank you! Good luck!


That sounds wonderful. I have practiced join up from the start with my 2 young horses i have backed in the last few years. I just had my first child who is now 11 months old. i have read Monty's horse sense for people and want my husband to read it. I was brought up with the regular spankings and pulling of ears used to correct our misbehavior. I really believe in non violence including shouting as a form of violence and would really like to learn some skills and techniques based on Monty's principles to use with my son.I am just not quite sure where to start, although I know he is still very young and hasn't much unwanted behavior yet that you can blame him for. Has anyone tried his techniques out themselves? Would love to hear some ideas on what people have tried in certain situations and what results they have got.

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Sounds like you are a natural Montessori style parent. It's the respect, freedom with limits, value of the human spirit for its sense of wonder, willingness to experience and hunger for personal growth. Monty and Maria Montessori are spiritual allies in this regard. Check out Association Montessori International for more information.