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Horse Sense for People

What it means to be a horse

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

A number of years ago i heard a song called Equus Caballus which is a poem written by Joel Nelson, a cowboy poet.
I have run on middle fingernail through Eolithic morning,
I have thundered down the coach road with the Revolution’s warning.
I have carried countless errant knights who never found the grail.
I have strained before the caissons I have moved the nation’s mail.

I’ve made knights of lowly tribesmen and kings from ranks of peons
I have given pride and arrogance to riding men for eons.
I have grazed among the lodges and the tepees and the yurts.
I have felt the sting of driving whips, lashes, spurs and quirts.
This is just the first two stanzas of his poem You can read the rest at
I really don't have a question but I would like to know how you felt after reading this poem.
For me it is a reminder that I have to always have honorable intentions when working with my horse. He deserves no less.


May - Holland
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Hi Dennis,

This is very interesting to read and I will look it up.
With the help of my dictionary I will find out what it all means.
Thank you for sharing this.

Gen (Queensland, Australia)
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed

Wow Dennis, thanks for that poem is very deep and moving. Its a good one to have printed in our Stables and Riding Schools. There really is absolutely no need for violence in our dealings with horses - ever.
Kind regards,

ruthy - Gold Coast, Australia
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed

Thanks so much Dennis!

May - Holland
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Hi Dennis,

I looked it up and translated it. I understand it and I will print it out (in English) and frame it.
I will also give it to a ladyfriend of mine, she loves horses and probably will love this poem.

Thanks again.

Kicki -- Sweden
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It's a beautiful poem, Dennis!
I think he captures the history of horses, from the horses' pov, very well.
Thanks for finding and sharing!


Oh wow. Love this poem, but not my eyes watering at work! Thanks, Dennis!

MaggieF, Melbourne - Australia
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed

Thanks for posting this Dennis. It certainly intesifies our desire to care for our horses. The story of "Black Beauty" has always done this for me in the past. It is so sad that so many horses have stories like this to tell - another reason for my reluctance to sell any of my horses.


Because of the history the horse as a creature of this planet had and still has to go through, all the horrible things we are still doing all over the world in all kinds of styles and so called horsemenships, to saddisfy our ego, I for myself have desided never to put on a bit in my horses mouth again, never to use tools that could cause injuries or any pain and not to ask him exercises that he can't do or that don't have any sense or benefit to his body or mind.