I have 8 almost 9 month old colt that I have recently trained to lead and am using the dually halter. It has made haltering and leading so much easier. I have recently started to do a little bit of join-up with him. Is he to young for this or maybe I have made some miscommunitcations. The first time in the round pen he was like ok now what? He got this determinded look in his eyes that if you don't move I am going through you. He did it two or three times the first time but the next time I had him in the round pen he only did it once. I haven't done it for a few days now. I always try to end on a good positive note like Monty says to but maybe I am doing something wrong that confuses him. I will keep working on it.
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Has your colt been weaned? If so I do not think he would be too young to join up but I would keep it very low key and would try not to confuse him. If he appears confused then just continue working with the dually then try again in a few months time.
Thanks Maggie,
Yes he is weaned. I weaned him at 6 months. He has done very well with the dually. He is such a good little fellow. One of the things that has happened that was not good for him was that our little Jack Russell thinks that when I am in the round pen working the horses he has to be in attendance too. Well he also thinks that he needs to help them move out. After I got him out I went back to what I was doing and it just wasn't as good. So the jack russell is no longer welcomed in the round pen. I try not to push him to much because i want him to have a good experience while in there and not feel endangered.
So far he is doing great.
I learned the hard way not to allow dogs when working with an unbroke horse. I was halter breaking a filly one time when my dog jumped the fence to come with me, and scared the filly, who then whirled around and took off, dumping me on the ground. I landed on my hand and broke it in a rather bad way. So no more dogs allowed, I want the horse's attention on ME. Its much safer that way.
When they are WELL WEANED OF - you can do your first join-up on your horse
FInd great information in From My hands To Yours - a whole chapter on it. Good Luck!
Warmest Ann Sweden