Hi everyone
My name is Karen Bell and I am an Intelligent Horsemanship Student here in the UK. I am currently working my way towards my Monty Roberts Preliminary Certificate of Horsemanship and as part of that process I have to complete a horse psychology project. I have decided to do mine on the concept that our emotions and our energy levels affect our relationships with our horses. Part of my project will inlcude what I am calling an emotional diary where a wide range of volunteeers will fill in a supplied diary on a daily basis to allow us to see whether or not their emoions and energy levels have an impact on their interaction with their horses over a one month period. The diary will be as easy and quick to fill in as possible so as not to have too much of an impact on folks day to day routines and I am looking for as many volunteers as possible to take part so that I can obtain as good selection of individuals. If you are interested please note your interest on this thread or email me: rowan-tree@hotmail.co.uk and I will organise getting the required paperwork to you. The study will commence at the start of July. Thank you for your interest and I hope to hear from you all in the near future Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
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