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Horse Behavior and Training

Unbridling Problems


I have a young horse which I started and whenever I take his bridle off he drops his head and I start taking it off then throws his head up holding the bit with his teeth and shaking his head.
Does anyone know how to stop this as it is a problem because I don't want to give him bad experiences?

Miriam (Holland&Germany)
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Hi shastryboy,
What you describe could be a toothproblem, in such a way that the horse doesn't like the metal of the bit cluncking against his frontteeth. When you take the bridle off, try to do so very gently and ask the horse to spit the bit out, so he can direct it. You can keep the bridle up and away fom the teeth until he drops the bit. I would make a nice exercise out of it, maybe put some honey on the bit and have him take it and spit it out a couple of times. This way he'll learn that he can be without pain, when the bridle comes off.

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Wow! Is he playing a game or is he really disturbed with the process of removing the bridle? Sounds like he is OK when you put the bridle and bit on him is that correct? If so then a couple of things come to mind.

1. He is taking his frustration with the bit out by shaking it which would indicate the bit may not fit him or his teeth may hurt. Make sure that he does not have any wolf teeth left, Your vet could verify that and remove the tooth if there is one.

2. Your horse has a sense of playfulness and this is just a game for his amusement. My horse will play with his bit when he is finished for the day and I am untacking him. I just let him mouth it for a while and remove the bridle and bit last, rather than the first thing. By that time he has settled down and is more patient. WHen horse have been worked and then are being untacked some get real impatient to have the tack removed. I let those horses stand for thirty minutes tied to the hitching rail and do something else in the mean time. After a few lessons like that they become more patient with the removal of their tack.

I hope that this helps in finding what makes you and your horse happy partners.



Thanks Guys.
I have had my boys teeth check and we did have a problem with his wolfe teeth but as far as I can tell they were taken out (i have them in a bag). He is every playful but he only hold it for like ten seconds so it could be an impaitent thing. Im pretty sure the bit fits him and its only a eggbut snaffle, i was thinking of trying a rubber straight mouth as i had another horse with a sore mouth.

Thanks for your ideas i will deff be trying them out!!