Last Friday my new weanling came home. It was a long trip - over 14 hours on the trailer. The shipper said it had taken 3 hours to catch him. I first watched a Monty video on Join up about 10 years ago and have been trying to use his techniques ever since but I knew this poor terrified baby was going to test me. So, I signed up for the university. On Friday I couldn't get near Brando. Every time I went into his stall, he would turn his butt towards me. He wouldn't kick out but he made sure I knew he wasn't ready to make friends. On Saturday, he went outside. It's pretty icy where I am and we have no indoor arena so I didn't want to attempt join up just yet. I did however use the body language that I learned in the lessons I have been watching and got very similar results. After 15 minutes in the field, he came up to me. My 'terrified' baby now follows me around, he has had his feet done and has had the vet give him shots. He has been a superstar. I will be ordering a Dually halter today to help aid in his training. I am so excited to see what kind of horse he is going to turn into using Monty's techniques.
Thank you Monty, without these online lessons, I think I would still be looking at my baby's tail!
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Horse Behavior and Training
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Congratulations. You have done the first step. Probably there is some other work waiting...
I'm sure there is a lot of work waiting lol - this was just a very satisfying start to what I hope will be a lifetime partnership - and it makes me excited to learn as much as I can!
Well done, Brando. Good luck with all the work ahead but you have made a great start!!