Hi all,
HELP! y new loan pony is so lovely but she lives with this other horse and has been living with her for about 10 years and she wont let her out of her sight! If i try to ride my pony away from the other then the other pony either follows her or my pony stops dead, backs up and threatens to rear if I try to get her to walk on!
Thankfully I have a friend who loans the other pony so we can go hacking and we can exercise them and stuff.
I have done join up with her and it made a difference afterward for a while but now she is back to normal.
Has anyone got any suggestions!?
Abi x
Hi Abbie
These ponies need to be separated completely to break the bond. Monty Roberts talks about this in his book "From My Hand To Yours". It will not be easy if you choose to do this though so you need to be prepared.
Kind regards,
I am fairly new to horses, so my advice does not come from years of experience. However, my mature aged mare struggled with being taken away from her mate, a mini horse. I set up a program of saddling her up so the mini could see & riding her up over the hill out of view to an area with good grass so she had a good experience while away. She settled into eating but had her ears tuned in to the mini. This was for 10 min on first day. The mini fussed but as I returned he settled promptly. I increased the time & distance so we were out of earshot. To enhance the experience the mini was occasionally given hay to distract him. I also take the mini away for his training & leave the mare. I have of course been anxious for their safety as they prance & walk the fence line but I believe I have succeeded as I can now ride the mare in view of mini & away for 2-3 hours. It becomes a problem again if I don't do this regularly. Ie if left together for 1-2 weeks without being removed. Hopefully they trust that their mate will return reliably. Good luck & keep calm.
ckaron shows a good alternative. I also try to show the horse that the separation is not for ever: go away and come back many (many) times.