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Horse Training Video Instruction Program

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Horse Behavior and Training

Recommend a video for a bargy horse?


Hi guys!

I just joined the forum today, kind of accidentally. But since I'm here, I might as well join in! I also just got my Dually halter today. I haven't used it yet.

I am looking for a video for ground manners for a bargy, bratty, friendly, confident, gentle, more-whoa-than-go, draft-style horse.

The main reason I bought the Dually halter is to gain control of my horse's shoulders.

When I lead him, he puts his shoulders next to my shoulders (his nose way in front of me). If I need to turn in his direction, it's impossible because his enormous shoulders are there, and he's like a brick wall. A friendly brick wall, but a brick wall none the less.

Any suggestion on which video I should watch for help?


vicci - UK (North Wales)
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Welcome to the Uni :-) Glad you have a Dually, you won't regret it - I know it sounds obvious but trust me, it's the best way - start with the first video and work your way through them. Also, watch the dually DVD that came with it - watch it over and over again; it's worth it I promise.

vicci - UK (North Wales)
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed 350 lessons completed

Sorry, forgot to add - The Lessons set marked Dually Halter on here covers all the stuff about leading/crabbing etc. too. Good luck, let us know how it goes

phantommustang1 Walsenburg, Colorado, USA
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When I got my dually, it didn't come with a video. I didn't know it was supposed to at the time, so never said anything about it. So have the dually but no video.

vicci - UK (North Wales)
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Hi Phanto, did it come with a set of written instructions by any chance? Debbie Loucks sent me an email some time ago asking me what I thought about a trial they were doing on replacing DVD with written instructions. My view is that the DVD is essential but I don't know what the outcome was as I have had my Duallys for years and haven't needed to replace them. It's more or less the same as the Dually series on here so don't worry, you're not missing anything haha

Amberpony - California, USA
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My Dually didn't come with a DVD either. Keep mentioning it, but still no DVD. Could come in handy for my stubborn 24 year old Arab.

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Hi. Every dually I've had from Intelligent Horsemanship came with a DVD but, a word of warning. The DVD shows Monty with 'lively' horses - the more reactive a horse is the more 'strongly' you use the dually. I made the mistake with Bella, who was already totally compliant most of the time (chestnut Welsh B mare) of being too strong with it. Overall I've had better results with Kelly Marks approach of gently first & I put my hand on the horses chest to assist backing up, initially. Amber, my Arab x was never stubborn, just strong minded. He took care of me for 24 years - & I mean that literally. I fell asleep on him one day & he carried me along the dual carriageway leading to Edinburgh airport, turned off at the right place & I woke up as we came near to his summer, short break ( 3 weeks ) holiday home. We never revisited that field as unbeknown to me there had been a donkey there & Apollo got lung worms as a result which needed wormer x 5 normal dose to sort out. He still lived to 38 & was my best friend ever! Cheers, Jo.

MaggieF, Melbourne - Australia
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed

Interesting! My dually came with both the booklet of instructions and the video which was excellent. But back to you problem Cindyg there are a numerous videos on the Uni. where Monty is dealing with difficult horses such as " It is all in a name" horse called Lunatic with the dually but for a bargy horse like yours I think one of the best videos maybe the in the free Horse and Country TV UK Horsemanship Essentials series with Kelly Marks and Monty - from memory it is the one on Loading. A Uni. Search on out of and into pressure may help too. You need to get your horse responsive to pressure first so that he will move his shoulder away from you so that you can bring his head back to the correct position for training with a dually. He is currently into pressure and using his shoulder to evade pressure from the halter on his head and although the dually will help he will still do this until you can move his shoulder off you. Start by placing your hand on his side just in front of his flank and about half way up his body. Stand at his shoulder facing his rump when you do this so you are out of his kick zone. Gradually apply pressure with your hand. If he responds - great as he has already been trained to be out of pressure if not then apply more pressure and start using your fingers to and digging them in until he moves away - slightest response from him instantly remove you hand. Persevere until he willingly moves away from your hand. Then do the same on the troublesome shoulder and also on his chest so that he will step backwards away from you too. In the end you should be able to move them around with your hand which makes everything you do with your horse so much easier and safer.