I was bringing my mare to her paddock today, and as she saw the other horses in the field she started neighing loud, she got agitated and pranced right in front of me (I thought she would hit my head that time...). I kept calm and after some time she calmed down a bit too, but she had never behaved like this before. Could this be related to her pregnancy? And, if this happens again, what should I do?
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Horse Behavior and Training
Problem with a pregnant mare
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Do you have a dually halter Ari? My only suggestion is to discipline her with this and always use it if there are other horses around. She sounds more like a mare who is in season rather than a pregnant mare - are you sure she is pregnant? It could be related to some hormone imbalance due to her pregnancy. Other question - is she kept with other horses? Have you changed her living arrangements lately? i.e. moved her away from other horses that she was bonded too. Well done for staying calm - you managed well so do the same again but make sure you have a dually on her and be ready to back her up with the dually if she over reacts and tries to walk past you or over you!
I haven't got a dually yet, it will arrive in a few weeks. I think I'll be using it a lot! The foal will be born in May so: yes, she's 100% pregnant!
I haven't changed anything, that's why I was surprised... But now that I think about it, a horse she gets along well with hasn't been around for about a week, maybe she's been missing him...
Thanks, Maggie!
That is definitely a possibility. I know that mine was out of it for quite some time after he was separated from his lifelong companion. It should pass with time, it that is the case.