hi guys
i am working with a spooky mare and i did all of spooky kadina lessons with her so she goes to artificial lake and walking over plastics BUT
she is still spookyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!1
every new thing scares her especially noises. she also has milk but she is not pregnant ?
is there any relationship ?
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Horse Behavior and Training
my spooky horse is still spooky?

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the thing which really stops me from working is her not getting close to guards at on side of the arena beside which there is a construction going on!!!
Hi Ebrahim
Is your horse spooky or distracted by the construction taking place near the arena? Have read your post a couple of tome now trying to understand properly...
Spookiness takes a while to overcome. And you have to be careful that you are taking the scary thing away at exactly the right time so that you are rewarding the horse for positive responses rather than when the horse moves away. Timing is everything to make sure you are DESENSITISING instead of sensitizing the horse.
We had a horse that was afraid of the tractor, so we put the horse in a yard that was close to where the tractor regularly passed by. She eventually realized that the noise didn't hurt her and she no longer worries about it now. But that took a few weeks. Can you leave your horse in the arena so that she is constantly exposed to the noise from the construction?
Hopefully some of the others will have other information to add that will help you.
Kind regards,
I agree with Gen, it takes time to desensitize a horse to things especially if they are afraid of everything. Try not to be in a hurry, take each fear on one at a time and give her the chance to learn it's OK. Make sure that you are calm and you're heart rate is down while working with her so that you're not transferring your high adrenaline to her. Try not to push her to hard to fast, let her move at her own pace.
Good luck,
thanks alot kleinne and gen
to answer gen this mare is spooky. the hard thing is, sometimes, i dont understand what is she afraid of!!!
during desensitizing i did as it was shown in the videos. i should say it worked and now she is better with plastics but after the plastic lake i understood that there are lots of things that she is afraid of. like every single new thing.
the question is why she is afraid of small plastic bags although she is comfortably walking over the plastic lake?
if there is small plastic bag somewhere and its windy she starts running away as if there is tiger chasing her :)
thanks for help
grammer errors :D {a small plastic bad & a tiger chasing her)
The sound of rustling plastic is very scary, but also the movement of the bag. Tie some plastic bags to a stick and rub her all over with them. When she stands still while the bags are touching her take them away. She will learn that if she stands still the bags will go away. Soon she will relax and ignore the bags altogether. Wave them above her head and side to side to simulate a flying bag coming at her. Do it a little at a time to get her used to them. Use anything you can think of like Umbrellas, balls, bicycles, sheets, whatever scares her desensitize her to it. You'll be amazed at how quickly she gets better.
i will and i let you know .
Hi ebrahim,
Please let the vet check why your mare has milk, if not pregnant!
It's hard to judge from here, but she might have some physical problem, that makes her feel uncomfortable.
Good luck ,
Good point Miriam. We all forgot about that!
It does take a lot of time and patience to get this spookiness out of them. My Uggs is better but he remains fairly spooky despite trying to desensitise him to numerous things. During the desesitising sessions he becomes fairly good and will allow me to throw plastic bags and chaff bags over him and under him etc. but then if the wind blows one across his paddock all his old spookiness comes out again. Not sure about shutting your mare in next to the arena next to the construction as this maybe initially too much for her to take. In Gen's case the tractor was just constantly passing and that is far less threatening than been closed in next to something really scary. My neighbour decided to bull doze down some buildings next to my horses paddock the other day. They were totally terrified and would have jumped the fence if I hadn't run to save them. I had to halter Tricka as her knee was still recovering. I was pleased that I managed to hold her with the rope halter I had grabbed while running. Once she settled down I did manage to lead her up closer to the bull doser but it took a lot of encouragement and a few carrot bits to do so. If the constuction is going to be fairly permanent then I would suggest trying to get her more used to it from a distance first and then take her closer and closer until eventually you may be able to leave her in the yard but it seems a big ask for any horse as this stuff is really scary!
thanks every one for your lovely comments
however, there was someone else who was not patient enough and that person was her owner. he was not satisfied with the progress and he decided to get some foal from this lovely mare
so there is no training any more.
ill try my chance with another spooky horse and ill keep your comments in mind
thanks every one.