My friend is using a lip twitch on her horse and i have tried most approaches to trying to stop her and she wont listen... i don't know what to do and i was wondering if anyone had any suggestions?
Abi :)
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My friend uses a twitch what can i do...
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Hi Abi
If you go to the horse training section you will find a section called 'what is twitching' dated 5th November - there are a lot of comments on there that may help :-)
Hi Abi
Why is your friend using the twitch? What is she trying to do with the horse when she is using this tool?
The reason I ask is that we may be able to suggest some other methods of doing whatever it is she is trying to do. Sometimes its good to be able to say to someone "try doing such and such this way because its easier" rather than trying to tell them to stop doing a certain thing.
I'm not a fan of twitching myself, but in the thread mentioned above, one of the students provided a good reason to use it in certain (very rare) circumstances.
Kind regards,
she uses the twitch because her horse often wont stand still and gets very over excited alot. he has either kicked or trodden on her often when she has been trying to lead him so now if he gets too over exited then she uses the twitch to maake him stand still.
thanks for all your help :)
Would your friend be willing to use a dually halter when training her horse?
It is very safe and not cruel.
When it is used properly you can get your horse to do anything, without pain.
It's a wonderful tool.
yes i have asked her if she would use one and sh says that she does but i have never seen one at her house or in her tackroom stables ect. but i will ask her if she would consider using one again anyway and see if it makes a difference:) thanks for your advice and elp