Over the past few months I have seen many people using the duly halter in the real world. I love seeing that. however, I have also been seeing people misusing them. They would put the soft nose rope chin and not over the nose. I would say "that does not look right do you have it on correctly?" and they would all replay "no its not on the way Monty made it but my horse likes it better this way." I would just replay with "thats cool" and walk away.
Guess i really dont have a question just more of a rant. I hate seeing people misuse a good tool.
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Misusing the duly

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I agree Christena, I have seen many misuses of the Dually. The one that annoys me the most is when they pull and lean on it instead of using release...and I REALLY detest it when people lean on their horses halters with a tight rope (whether it's a Dually or not) while standing wiht their horses!!
I also see lovely new unused Dually's hanging in tack room while the horse is out of control on the yard!! It's a hard battle to change the world :-)
Hi, I can only say that I am really happy that I bought my Dually, I have had it now for about 2 weeks and I don't use anything else.
I am also going to use mine to ride, as a bit less halter.
I have a bit less halter that I bought from Australia,and it's really a cool peace of equipment and very beautiful to look at.
The goal is to use this bridle, but as Shilo and I are still very much in training I am sticking to the Dually, Shilo seems to take to it very well.
The Australian bit less bridle has side pull which is placed under the chin.
Can we laugh at the latter comment Vicci? Mind you that does show still that people have the idea they do want to change, but do not know how to use the tools they have. It's all about education.
Christena, for those who have the dually down too far on the nose, you can gently point out that should the horse pull away creating pressure in that area they could damage the nasal cavity as the dually is designed to work on the bony areas of the face and not the soft section just at the end of the bone.
I see it a lot of the time (mostly when people have it too loose) and I must say I do interfere. I am not a confrontational person but it's a dangerous bit of kit when in the wrong hands! If people don't want to change the way they use it then I will always say 'on your head be it'. There's not excuse for no educating yourself on it's use with so many videos and forums!
Let's hope none every break the soft part of their horses nose by using it incorrectly.
Becky education is the so important in all aspects of life, but even more so when dealing with such intelligent giant creatures such as the horse. You are quite correct there is no excuse for lack of education where there is so much information out there.
As you've all said, education is the key, watching the Dually lessons on the uni, making sure you watch the DVD that comes with all new Duallys, but there is nothing like hands on education, take a course at Flag or with your nearest instructor to really get the most out of the Dually Halter and see how effective it is as a training tool.. and remember if a person isn't listed on the Instructor pages, they are not licensed/qualified to teach you how to use the Dually.