i have an 8 week filly,, previously i had a foal slip on her and all was good. could do anything with her feet, groom etc.. went down last week and the foal slip was off, now she is like a different animal, cant get a foal slip on her, when we enter the paddock she charges and goes to double barrel kick us,,dont have a stable to get her in so makes it harder, any ideas how to catch her.. i at the minute sit on a barrier and play lead rope game, she lets me loop it over her nose some times over her neck but before i can do much else she makes a run for it..any suggestions would be welcome
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Hi, congratulations on your new foal :-) It sounds as if the foal slip may have got caught on something and broken off or some other associated trauma with it which of course will make her reluctant to have it on again. How does Mum react when all this is going on? i don't have a massive amount of experience with foals so others I'm sure will offer you sold advice but you are right to play with the rope and get her used to it again but I would suggest refining it to advance and retreat i.e. you go away when she accepts it rather than her running away from you - have a look at Montys despooking videos for explanations of advance and retreat. Its hard to work in a big open space on this, can you temporarily corral an area off so that you corner her and get a foal slip back on/do some work with her?