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Horse Behavior and Training

Lorry she won't stay on.

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed 350 lessons completed 400 lessons completed

Hi everyone, need your valued opinions & ideas!!
I decided to have a play with Winter today loading onto the lorry, it's been a while since she's been in it. Anyway we got over her hesitation to walk up the ramp, no real issue but liked to take her time. The problem I've always had is that when she goes in and you turn her to bring in the partition (my lorry is herringbone) she rushes straight out again, so this is a 2 person & 3/4 attempts job. She's happy to go in and have a nosey at everything that's stored and once the partition is in place and your on the way she travels beautifully. I do try and make journeys as smooth as possible

Do any of you have any tips or ideas how I can stop this rushing out, I'm not sure how much is panic but like I said she's happy until you turn her to travel!! Once at a show she stands and munchies happily on her net.

Tiggy, Tears
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed 350 lessons completed 400 lessons completed

Ok for some reason when I did this originally it came up with the staying on the lorry title was already a post, so I changed the title not realising the original had posted, hence why there's 2 from me!!! Flaming tech....

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

I had the same experience this weekend! I was teaching my mustang to load. In no problem, and then rushed right out. (My trailer is a 2 horse straight load) He was wearing his dually halter, and if I would try to stop or steady him, he would back up even faster when he felt the pressure on his nose. The trailer is big enough (I have put many bigger thoroughbreds in it)
Any ideas?

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Hi guys. My thoughts are these - how relaxed are you? Could it be that your horses have found a way to wind you up? In Winter's case I would suggest taking her onto the ramp & backing her off again, working towards going up the ramp & standing still. I'm assuming Winter leaves the lorry going forwards when she decides it's a no stay situation. Perhaps a bucket inside the lorry with carrots & apples might help shape her opinion of staying there.
Jamie, your horse is similar. I would place the trailer near to the corner of a yard or field ( so as to limit the backing up options ). Then making sure I was really relaxed I would ask your mustang to stand quietly near it. Back away a couple of controlled paces & repeat, gradually working towards being inside & backing off when asked. He probably has confined space issues - many horses do. Again, the association of a bucket of nice treats with being steady on the trailer is no bad thing. The ability to eat confirms their lack of panic, their acceptance of the small space. By the way, if my 2 youngsters, full brother & sister, are anything to go by then a mustang & a thoroughbred are about as alike as a hippo & a giraffe! Kirk is on his 5th colour change whereas Moley has been chestnut throughout her life. Yet a further reminder that every time I think I know what I'm doing they show me that I don't! Good luck loading. Cheers, Jo.

Tiggy, Tears
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed 350 lessons completed 400 lessons completed

Hi Jo, yep she rushes off the ramp. Have her in her dually and a 20' lunge line. She does the front feet on the ramp so I can back her off then after a couple of back ups she just follows me. I was wondering about some grub for her. Didn't have a chance yesterday Himself was on one! Now they're "friends" he's a complete nightmare, not that she's overly bothered but it doesn't help. Will have another play tomorrow, wish I could take the partitions out and leave her on the lorry with some grub to have a good nosey round, but it takes 3 men & a donkey to move them (really heavy)!! I think I'm fairly chilled, she does this I'm off if something takes her attention, even with the dually although when you school her she's brilliant with it!! Blooming self opinionated mare....

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Thanks for the comment Jo. You nailed it. I discovered yesterday that he is totally claustrophobic. I was long lining in the arena, and kept trying to make him pass between me and the fence, making the space smaller and smaller. He was pretty nervous about it. Well, we will keep working on it!
Any other suggestions of exercises for horses that are claustrophobic?
Just to let you know, he is very VERY kind throughout all of this! A mustang, yes, but such a kind guy!

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Hi guys. Once you can pass through a narrow gap without any worries, introduce a soft roof, like a tarp so they can't hurt themselves on it. You could end up with something of an obstacle course to negotiate, introducing things like a washing line that they lead through whilst the washing wraps all around them. Make it varied, some things with plastic that crinkle & others of cloth that are quiet & soft. Have fun & keep posting. Cheers, Jo.

Tiggy, Tears
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed 350 lessons completed 400 lessons completed

Well, just had another play, put some food in a feeder for her, was going really well, she'd go in have a couple of mouthful then turn to rush out, but she stopped with her front feet on the top of the ramp, can get her to back up into the lorry then ask her to sensibly walk off. If I ask her to turn her bum she races round but not out. Like I said it was going really well, she'd pushed the feeder under the end partition, I keep tack etc behind it, brought her head up and cloncked herself on the head, luckily she just skinned herself but managed to dislodge the partition!! Checked her over, not headshy, loaded again quite happily, left her at that. So a little progress which is good so I'm happy with that for today.

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Hi Tiggy, that's great you made progress & fantastic that Winter didn't do herself serious damage as well as not putting herself completely off the idea of the lorry. I suggest you hold a bucket for her, one you can pick up once inside - just to stop her repeating the "push it under & head clonking". Cheers, Jo.

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Glad things are going well for you guys and your making progress! Just to say I got my boy on the lorry on tues with Chris Morris's help! So chuffed!!!! Not as bad as I feared he would be. Just wanted to share as I'm so proud of him! And me- first horse I've ever loaded! A lot more practise is needed as we need to see how he goes with the ramp up and engine on ect but I'm so happy! Need to work on his separation issues as I think he'll hate me leaving him in there so will start off slow and leave food in, but I might need to advice too before long!

vicci - UK (North Wales)
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Congratulations, so pleased for you!

Tiggy, Tears
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed 350 lessons completed 400 lessons completed

Hi Jo, think Winter has a bit of a headache, had another look at grub time no apparent damage, bit quiet but trotted off across the field with Himself in tow!! The trouble with trying to hold a bucket is I am also asking her to just start to turn across the lorry, remember I always seem to be on my own, one step only,at least I'm not being dragged down the ramp like yesterday! Gotta do something with the other partitions, with the padding they are about 5" thick,so with both of them I'm losing 12/18" of width. Friend has a hook on feeder that I'll pinch for tomorrow, bit high but will do for this job.

Tiggy, Tears
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed 350 lessons completed 400 lessons completed

Well no real damage done to Winter, although a little wary of eating too close to the partition, calmer starting to turn but rushes the last bit to face out of the lorry, but any progress I'm happy with!! Not to be out done I took Himself to have some loading practice (even after being loaded by Monty he has his own opinion still), well I was amazed he went straight in 1st time, then tried a temper tantrum got over himself & came in, then loaded several times happily. Bloody goon..

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Hi Tiggy. I think you should be VERY HAPPY. You have 2 partners who are trying for you - & no one can ask for more than that. I understand you're working alone problems as I'm usually on my own too. However, I came up with a plan. I offered to teach Sarah & her partner Casey about horses/ponies & Monty's ways so whilst I do a lot on my own I can get some help - & passing on a skill is the best way to hone it to perfection ( if you understand it well enough to explain it to someone else )! keep up the good work. Cheers, Jo.

Tiggy, Tears
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed 350 lessons completed 400 lessons completed

Thanks Jo, Day off today, I had to work last night so was knackered.I put a shout out for a "nanny" when I ride Winter, just to give her confidence when she meet something different, she's being difficult about the first 1/2 mile or so, and its any excise, gates, signs or other horses in the field. Think she's pushing boundaries!! Had no takers at all, so will persevere on our own. Just wanted someone to come and help her with some scary stuff, ie bright blue tarp on a roof, sheets of galvanise in the hedge.. Although my instructor is back from hold now so can ride with her. I would do the Centaur thing but Himself would teach her too many bad habits, which he leant from leading mother out!!!