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Horse Behavior and Training

looking for recommendations on new cinch?


Hello! I'm looking for a new cinch for my western saddle. I have fleece cinch that does not fit well and is "slippery" when I'm trying to mount. I have adjusted the tightness many times, but it still seems to slip. I think I'm looking for a neoprene, flexible cinch that will stick better and provide comfort for my horse. I'm new to buying one of these...does anyone have any favorite brands or recommendations? Anything help is appreciated! Thanks!

Hello! 100 lessons completed


I'm sorry your cinch isn't working out. Neoprene is great I like them but I do have a few horses that absolutely hate them so make sure you find out if your horse likes them first I would borrow one if you can. If that isn't an option they do have cotton and wool cinches that are basically like a bunch of strands of rope held together in the center, My horses who don't like the neoprene cinches usually love those. As for brands I don't really pay attention to that but my personal preference is the simple cinches just the strait ones and I like the d shaped rings with no rollers the rollers don't work for me but that is completely personal preference.


thanks Kit! That was very helpful! I will test one out first from someone at my barn and then go from there.

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I am all for the wool kind with bunch of stands of ropes that Kit mentioned. Fit nicely, comfortably and unlike Neiprene, it's natural and closer to the actual horse's hair. They should run around $50ish.

Hello! 100 lessons completed

Not a problem glad I could help.