Dear all
Sometimes the messages are very long. Maybe because English is not my mother language I have the tendency to read them only partially or even not at all.
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Long messages

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I'm sorry about that Rudi
My apologies too - I am sometimes guilty of this as I tend to get a bit carried away at times!!
Mea culpa!
But as sorry as I am, I've just never been able to keep anything short, so I am very likely to write long replies over and over again. Sorry, Rudi!
I did not expect your apologies... My idea was that probably more people will read the messages when thy are not too long. Thank you for your replies.
I think we all tend to write long, I know I do. But it is because we love to talk about our discoveries while learning our horses..... Isn´t it? Anyways, as an teacher of English as a foreign language, I can tell all of you whose first tongue is not English that if you read about something you are really interested in you learn very much. We must try to write "good Englsih" though,so the practice will be First Class in Englsih too!
I too have a hard time keeping things short but sweet. It is difficult to exprss something in a few short words if detail is needed.
I agree Christy that English when written well is understood perfectly.
On the other hand when one is dealing with several nations whose mother toungue may not be English it can be more difficult.
I too teach English as a second language and have found for some it is difficult.
I think everyone does quite well in this area, much better than I would in there mother tongue, for sure.
Thank you for that, Ronda. I am glad that we all can understand each other in English.
When I am going to write in Dutch, then a few of us will understand me.... so I will not start on that haha...
Yes, I am sitting hear with my dictionary, because of new words I read in the Forum, but I learn from that as well.
And if somebody doesn't understand "foreign English" just ask.
My questions and answers are also quite long, but that is also because I see the whole picture and I want to be clear that everybody out there understands what I mean when I am asking and/or saying something and that is sometimes a little bit difficult to make a short note in a different language.
It is the same as the Equus lanquage we all are learning this and we make mistakes and the horse will not react on this when we are doing wrong and then it will be a long story as well. So when we do this the next time better you will see the reaction from the horse and getting better and better in a shorter time.
So we do all our best and that's oké.
Fijne dag allemaal, (have a nice day, everybody), May.
Thank you for the Dutch lesson, May.
And I will say, "C'est corret", it's OK (french) or "No problema", no problem (spanish).
You have a wonderful day!
Dictionaries are a great thing, No! It was one of the first books I memorized as a child, everyone thought I was weird, of course, but I didn't care. Words are power, my teachers use to say.