hey everybody :)
i just had my first long lining experience past sunday and it was great! It was a total success and both me and the pony were very happy about it!
At one point though i just started wondering about the offside line and how it hangs around the horse's hind legs... doesn't it bother them? I mean of course you should use a soft line that won't irritate the skin, but doesn't it bother the horse that it is there and maybe even encourages them to take shorter strides with their hind legs? just a thought...
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Horse Behavior and Training
long lining

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Hi Linda!
What a great success! Congratulations therefore!
I think some horses are ticklish in that area, but all in all it does not bother them so much.
Best wishes from Hamburg, Germany
Hi Jasmin,
Thank you, and yes that is what I thought, but it just got me thinking when my mom asked me about it...
Thanks again,
There is a special equipment for long lining developped by Nelson Pessoa where a part of it is stimulating the hindlegs. So, I think it can not be that wrong. Some horses need some time to get accustomed to it and may kick initially.
Congratulations for learning to ground drive together! There are so many advantages to this exercise and its a lot of fun too!
Sorry to come to your question only now!
I had the same problem in Europe, so I bought a regular surcingle, and some bigger rings, connected them with eachother with some bailingtwine. Later I was able to replace the rings by bigger clips like they use as sailing equipment, big enough to pass the longline clips through.
Hope this helps,