Tonight my partner watched the videos with me tonight. We were both choked up watching it. There were tears in my eye as it reminded me of how my horse Joey and my partner Al worked together after he had read Monty's books and watched an old video not long after we got Joey. I would see them out the window interacting in secret. That time was very special to Al and he became more gentle in his ways. Not to mention helping gentle Joey.
Tonight as Al watched the video with me I could hear his emotions kicking in. I am the only one he has talked about his Vietnam experiences with. Seems like Joey and I are the only ones Al can let that stuff out with.
These videos helped me realize how much I need to keep trying to be patient with the situation.
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Horse Sense for People

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I am a two time combat veteran and have been to two of Monty's PTSD clinics. It has changed my life. I had a horse prior to going and had done join up with him but it was really different doing it with Month. I use to lack confidence in myself and really could not trust that I was doing the task right. I am now a better person and a better horseman thanks to join-up and Monty. If you would like to talk more or your partner would like to talk to me please email me at If you do email me please let me know in the subject line you are from this forum. I would love to tell you more about join-up.
horses - the best listeners, patient, kind and non judgemental when we pour our hearts out to them. keep going guys you have much to give not only your horses but those around you that love you.
Monty just called from way out in the English countryside where he is working with a couple of stallions and very little cell reception (he was hanging his head out a window in the cold). He asked that I pass on that he will be nearer to being able to get correspondence done early next week. I read these words above and he is glad you are sharing.
Sharing my story is the best thing I can do. I think people can hear it and find what might help them, I know Monty, Pat, laurel, and You helped me quit a bit. Your talk the other day when I was getting out of control with my son was a very big help thank you. I am doing much better now, yesterday, I did join-up with a new horse and rode my horse to get myself centered again. It has calmed me way down. For those of us who have horse in our lives, or that can work with them do all you can with them. They can make our lives so much better for ourselves and those around us. Thank you Debbie for the talk the other day I needed that. Whenever he has time is fine with me. I hope everything's going well with the stallion he's working with.
Just noticed there were replies on this thread.
Squierrel1200 Thank you for you inspiring words. I will read this thread to my partner.
After watching the lesson my partner started spending time with our new to us 24 year old horse "Hunter" (October) He had lost interest in Joey for some reason. Any way it is nice to see and hear him enjoying a horse again. He is even talking about riding with me on Hunter when I get Joey back. It would be nice to have some on to ride with.
He said he would attend a Clinic if it worked out time wise.
Hi Amberpony,
That would be great, if your partner could attend a Clinic!
It seems like a life-changing-experience from what I've seen here on the Uni.
Keep the good work going!
Horses are the best therapy you can get to me. I was not able to be with our horses that much in two months and it has not been good for me. I have had panic attacks, real bad anxiety, also real bad mood problems. My wife's horse had broke my foot on 1 June 2014 when we moved them to a new place. The new place was right in a neighborhood where things changed everyday. Every time I went there, there was something new weather it was a new horse or sound. All though my horse gained weight in a short amount of time it was to much for me. Every time I could be with the horses I would get real nervous going to get them in the field. We could not ride them much due to either of us do not ride by our sleeves and our horses were not very calm there. My horse would not stand still at all he constantly wanted to run and move while I was on him in the indoor arena but when we went outside he was fine. My wife's horse was fine for a while but then started to spook at every noise he heard due to constant changing noises. He had tripped in the indoor arena and about went over on her so she jumped off him. The horse was a nervous reck took me 15 mins to get him and walk him back to the stall. Last week I went to get our horses in the field and when I got to my wife's horse he joined up with me just fine, but there were two new horses next to him one charged me so my wife's horse got in between us to stop him. I then went to get my horse spence hers was not going to follow me as I was getting my horse that horse charged me again, so I took my hat off a waved it at him he stopped and went away. So I put my horses halter on him and started to walk to the gate and that horse charged my horse twice. So I had to have my wife get the horses because I could not stop shaking my anxiety went through the roof. I moved my horses back to the place I had them before and now I am getting back to were I am getting calmer. I have rode three times on trail and my horse has done just fine calming me down. I thought I would share how important my horse is me me have a good day.
Thanks for sharing your story; a calm environment is clearly essential for you all - I hope things settle down again soon.