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Horse Behavior and Training

Jean-Francois Pigon

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I have been watching videos of Jean-Francois and have found them fasinating!!!
He definately uses Monty's methods.
There is join-up, follow-up and love.
Wonderful to watch just how much a horse is capable to give when they are treated with love in our hearts and kindness shown.
If any are interested go to YouTube and type in his full name.
I'm sure all you horse lovers will enjoy it as much as I.

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed

I just can't stop watching all the videos! It is absolutely beautiful and inspiring. It is amazing how far trust will go with horses. Ha, it makes me want to go out and play with my own, I defiantly want that kind of relationship with my them. Since two of my horses are still babies, I don't do a lot of riding at all but I spend a lots of time with them. When I first got my youngest horse as a yearling she was head shy and was hard to put the halter on. Just a week of spending quality time with them fixed it, didn't have to do any training, one day I could just play with her ears. There is obviously lots of room for improvement especially with my 3yr old, but one day I could see the four of us playing one the beach ;D

MaggieF, Melbourne - Australia
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed

Thanks Ronda for this YouTube contact. Looking forward to watching it. Well done Almira with your babies. They are so rewarding and fun to be with. I am sure you will enjoy riding them some day.

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Isn't it amazing to watch !!
Because Star is so young I have been doing this for two years now and she responds so well to play.
I come out of it feeling magnificent.
All you horse lovers, thank you for your inspiration!!!!


A friend just borrowed me his video camera. So I made some video with my horse just playing around in the countryside. I also like very much the work at liberty. Francois Pignon in my believe is a natural talent. I don't think he follows any method. For me the gratest horsemanship you can see in liberty work, when the horse really has a choise to to go away ore to stay with the person. For me the biggest recognition is when the horse stays by my side even withot fences.

Best wishes and I hope everyone will be able to experience this feeling

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed

Hi Cristina,
I really wanted to see that video of your horse.
I must have done something wrong, I can't get it with that address.


You have to copy and paste the address


or try to paste the title:

Passeggiare con il cavallo libero


May - Holland
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Hi Christina,

It is so good to see this. Your horse realy likes to come to you and is a very happy horse. So funny with the donky.
It looks like the horse says "out of the way here I come"...ha.
Did you see it Ronda? Hope it worked.



Hi May,
He is a thoroughbred that was to be slaughtered because of a heavy injury of a tendon. At the beginning it was very difficult to handle him, he was still a stallion. I reached to a point where I had to decide to give him away or change something in my approach to save his life. Luckily I managed. Now he is happy to be with us. He doesn't like very much the bit, but it doesn't matter at all. He stops with a rope on his chest or by the voice, thanks to groundwork I have done with him. At that time I was totally ignorant about “methods of horsemanship”(Monty, Parelli, Resnick an so on). I discovered them because I was looking for people that share my view of treating horses. I started to search in youtube and discovered that I was not alone, luckily. For me it is important to be with the horse, not necessarily on the horse. Later I discovered the great, generous and sweat character of the donkey, when treated in the right way as all the beings.
When I see videos of Pignon or "Lorenzo the flying frenchman" my heart opens widely, because I see them working outside in open air without fence. That means that their horses are collaborating on free will and are not forced in the arena.
Anyhow, many say that join up is a magic moment, but in the instance you feel that you can trust your horse and vice versa and decide to let him loose, when the connection through trust replaces the rope, you perceive an explosion of joy.

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed

Sorry Cristina,
I copied and pasted on my search engine and the youtube site and I cannot get the video.
May what did you do, step by step, please.

May - Holland
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Hi Ronda,

I copied:

Then I went up to the internetsurch beam, it is at my computer the highest beam on this page. With the http:/www etc.
Then I click on the right mouse part and paste it and then I click on search and there it is.
When I am doing this I am still on Monty's forum page.
So I start from here.
I will try it now again to see if it is still working oké?
Good luck, May

May - Holland
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Hi Ronda,

Aha......I just checked it, but it doesn't work anymore, because the owner removed it from You Tube.

Hé Cristina, what happened to that video of your happy horse?



Hi May,
I realized, that a part where I asked the horse to back up was missing and I had to upload it again. So here is the new link :


Here is also a link from "Lorenzo the flying horseman".

May - Holland
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

Hi Cristina,

Thank you for this. It is still so good to see it.
Is the one playing with the donkey and the red ball also yours? La asinella Carolina in azione.wmv. If it is that's so funny and if you look at the horse..haha... it looks like he likes to play as well.

RONDA.... it is working!!!! The only step I forget to tell you is; if you are going to the internet beam with you arrow, then I first delete what is in there and then paste that from Cristina.


Hi May,
yes they are olso mine, if you search for " billybaji1 " in youtube, you see all videos.

Thanks for watching them.
I hope to share videos from all of you soon.