Hi everyone, just been having a read of my first ever post in here, Please do as I ask. Wow what a difference in Winter, she no longer tries to bite, is more cuddly but not for long, she wants to have the attention but isn't really sure how to handle it. We still weave but no where near as much and not so violently, but will be able to give a more accurate idea on that when they come in at night!! The eyes are now gooey and relaxed with the world, loves my big man, respectful of the old girl and they will groom each other. She's just so much more chilled out these days, been at mine since January,not done very much riding but she's filled out nicely.
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What I say to my friends who don’t understand why I’m doing this
How far have we come in 18 months..

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It's great that you have made such progress, cngratulations
Yeah it wasn't until I read the first dozen or so posts on that thread I realised how far we have come. She also doesn't barge the door to go out, waits for me to open it either to go in or to let her out.
Hi Tiggy,
A happy horse with a happy owner!
Good job!!!
Congratulations, Tiggy!
Goes to show it's important to look back sometimes.
Most definitely Kicki, it's been interesting to look back at how she was when we got her. Took her out today, one trip but no falling over! Need a longer girth though!!!
Soo chuffed, took Winter to her first show jumping show and did the baby class, all cross poles up to 18". We did the clear round and stopped at every fence, launched over a couple so unfortunately she did get a sock in the mouth I wasn't expecting her to launch quite so violently!! She got the idea by fence 6. Did the competition proper and did a lovely round, had a trip before fence 9 so she had a stop, but was just great that she got round and enjoyed it. We ended up 3rd, apparently the other 3 seniors were eliminated, but I was happy she went round and we didn't fall over! Happy pony happy owner and everyone fell in love with her. But I must remember not to put a rug on her to travel home, she was sweating when we got home and its not that far, about 3 miles or so.
You've done so well together!! Keep it going!! :D
She's, now decided to have issues with tarmac that is wet, "because it's a different colour mum, it's going to EAT ME", just a stage hopefully, silly old baggage.
Now they've all settled in its like having, Ronnie, Reggie and Charlie Kray in the yard, you can't move for one on them knowing you're there!!! Love them all to bits, pony just goes off and does his own thing..
Well you know what Tiggy, I think her response makes sense from her point of view haha As far as she is concerned this is now shiny and black ergo this is a very very deep hole; remember horses depth perception is not brilliant. I woudl have her on a loose line and let her get her nose right down to it....I would also splash about in it myself so that she can trust your judgement. It sounds as if things are going really well and you have come so far with her , it's just another step :-)