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Horse Sense for People

Horse Teaches Me What I Taught Him

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed

This may sound silly, but my horse reminds me & others of the lessons I have taught him.

Such as Trust. This is one we let slip by to often, so Joey (6 year gelding) will come up and gently touch us or if we are not in his area he will give a gentle low nicker. When he does this it is as if "Time Stands Still" and we rethink our actions & re-actions, what ever they may have been to get his attention.

Joey also is very Vocal when we humans Bicker (argue) We hear a Strong Masculine Nicker as to say "Quit That". It works every time.

My favorite is his impeccable timing. Every evening he quietly awaits for all 4 of us to go sit in our chairs in the portable corral and watch Joey and Amber (24 year mare) eat the grass of the day. It is more entertaining than a Movie. So Peaceful & Relaxing. Not to mention that Joey is learning about the world as so many Life Experiences go down the street.

Joey has helped our relationship to become Quieter, Gentler and opened the eyes of my other half.

Since we got Joey (8 months ago) it has been Our Goal to Teach Him a "Safe, Quiet, Pain Free & Peaceful Life is Possible". Now Joey is returning the favor. Amazing thing is we haven't even started riding yet.

Thanks Monty for This Gift That Teaches both ways. Working with Joey in this Fashion is a daily reminder that there are others out there that care for their animals as I do.


:) yeah my horse is constantly teaching me stuff. she demands that she is treated with utmost respect and that she is handled gently. often if i try doing things to quickly she stamps her foot or feints a bite (she never actually bites me!)in my direction like shes telling me im doing it wrong! today when i was leading iher through the paddock, i saw a plover in the grass and i was so scaared that it would swoop us that i jumped and started freaking out it didnt actually do anything though and so Alli bumped me a few times with her nose, blowing out a few times. It was like she was going "dont be silly-its not going to hurt us. just keep walking."! on the back past the plover it flew into the air and i was really scared that it would swoop so i hid beside Alli and made sure that her body was between me and the plover. I felt so guilty after she told me off- she turns her head and goes "excuse me. what do you think you are doing?" yep my horse is quite a character! interesting how once you get to know them, different horses really do have different personalities!!

phantommustang1 Walsenburg, Colorado, USA
Please upload your photo 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed

My 2 and a half year old filly, who is as sweet as can be, one day just would NOT cooperate in any way, so rather than get mad at her, I turned my back and walked away, told her I didnt want to talk to her. Well, a couple days later, I did sonething she wasnt happy about, cant remember what, and SHE turned her back and walked away! She makes me laugh a LOT. When I clean the stall, she stands there and watches, then when I am done, she picks up the shovel and tries to figure out how to use it. So far, she hasnt, but she keeps trying. And its a big shovel. She has also tried to push the loaded wheelbarrow, but I dont allow that!