I have recently bought a horse walker. I am wondering what the recommended exercise is to help condition a horse on a walker?
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Hi Bobby,
Since you're interested in building trust and having fun with your hores, why do you want to use a walker? If you don't want to ride your horse and still keep his condition up, you could longline him or even let him run in the roundpen or arena without anything, just you and your bodylanguage. This way you keep your horse more alert and interested. If I were a horse I would not like running around in circles without a clou why and what I'd be doing it for.
Horses are flightanimals and re-active thinkers, so they need a stimulus to move. A walker is not a thing they can re-act to.
You could even send around a bigger arena two horses that get along well together, let them have fun and play with speed and direction and enjoy yourself in the centre of the pen.