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Horse Sense for People

Help at work


I have almost completed the book. I have a high pressure sales job and over the course of the recession the requirements that are place on me are frequent and very last minute putting me in a constant state of anxiety and panic. The book has help me see the ways in which my management is failing to motivate a good team of sales people and loosing even productive ones in pursuit for more revenue. I am not sure if my gesture will be taken the right way since my relationship with my director is acknowledgement at best, but I am considering giving it to my director of sales when I am finished. She is also a horse person, although I hear she has someone else ride her horses.

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed

Hi Nikki,

I have worked with lawyers and doctors and other types of business's since I graduated college as a Business Administrator, a long time ago.
I have my own consultant company and Managers or Owners would call me to come in and fix a problem.
So my question to you my dear is; what is your proposal, what is it you want to fix?

Sales is a hard drive, there is no doubt about that and the pressure can be severe. I see where you are coming from but I'm not sure where you want to head.
I feel the first issue you perhaps should deal with as soon as possible is the level of stress you are not able to deal with.
I have been into the Asian way of life since I was 14 years old and when I am feeling stressed I breath very deeply until I feel and hear my heart beat. I know then I have reached a trully relaxed state, it takes practice but it can be done.
Find a quiet spot right now and sit in a comfortable position, rest your hands, palms down on your knees and take a deep enough breath that will cause your stomach to extend, hold it to the count of eight and let it out slowly. Keep doing this with rythum until you feel very relaxed.
The good thing about this is, it can be done anywhere at anytime, even in a washroom at work.
I hope this helps you with your strees.

Would the IT be Monty's book? If so, keep in mind not everyone adheres to the same philosophies about life, people or training of any kind. I don't want you to be disapointed or hurt perhaps by their reaction to your gesture.

I have had to deal with a lot of stress in my life, since childhood and it has made me very ill on many occasions, as I've gotten older, and I don't want that for you Nikki, so you try that relaxation technique, OK.
I really hope it works for you.

Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed

That was very thoughtful advice from Ronda. Nikki if you want to give the book in hopes that this will change your bosses attitude you may be very disappointed. That being said, if you want to try I would give her the book on loan telling her how much you enjoyed and learned from reading it. Stick with the horses and if she understands what Monty is saying it will transfer to herself first and then hopefully people around her.

You can make a lot of headway with people if you talk about a common interest. The other person may then see you in a different light.

Be good to your self first.
