I am going to be getting a mustang yearling or 2 year old next month, and would like to have the dually halter ahead of time if possible, is there a certain size that should work?(the small or extra small) Or should I wait until I get the mustang first, since I don’t know how big it is yet.
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Horse Behavior and Training
Halter Size for Young Mustang
I am going to be getting a mustang yearling or 2 year old next month, and would like to have the dually halter ahead of time if possible, is there a certain size that should work?(the small or extra small) Or should I wait until I get the mustang first, since I don’t know how big it is yet.
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I have no experience of mustangs but I do have a little welsh A ( 11:3 ) who came to me 12 years ago - branded the incredible bucking pony. If I hadn't taken him this lovely little guy would have been put to sleep/put down - for human error! He was a 6 year old lead rein pony. He was bought to show (well bred). Then the owners found out they were to be grandparents so they decided to ride the pony - yes, feet by his knees. Walk & trot were fine BUT no lead rein pony has ever been asked for canter by the rider. I surmise this happened: given canter aid a couple of times but failed to understand so hit with a whip. What happened next I do know. He bucked off his rider. Then he bucked off his riders wife - probably under the same circumstances. Max is a bit cheeky but nothing deserving death! He's 240 kilos but happily carries my 85 kilos, far more in proportion than other equines. Why? Because the ONLY time he bucked with me I dropped my hands, stood over his withers & pushed my legs off his sides ( if you want me off, do handstands )! He stopped immediately, looked back at me as if to say " what's your game "? And the bond was created.
The danger you are in is making basic mistakes that this mustang will face consequences for. If you get yourself injured - no mustang asks to be in captivity, it'll be the horse that gets the blame. No one is going to believe that you made the wrong choices & the horse simply reacted from instinct. You make the wrong choices & the horse will get the blame, possibly costing it its life but definitely its right to a humane future. IF you do this, do it right, follow the roadmap Monty has put in place. Give yourself the best chance of success, give this horse the best chance of success. Do this right & I wish you every success. Cheers. Jo.
I’m actually going to be participating in an extreme mustang makeover!!
(Something I’ve wanted to do for years) which is why I can’t pick it out for myself.
And I do have a round pen set up!
Additionally while I am training the mustang myself, my older sister who has already trained a mustang will help me whenever I need it! I plan on being very careful too!
I already have the black one for my horse, so I’ll go ahead and order the red one!