My problem is getting them to accept the bit. Bud (has TB in him) has a very long neck and just lifts his head so I can't reach. Daisy just shakes her head continuously and does little bunny hops backwards. I do know that Daisy was beaten in the face and she has scars, physical and emotional, as a result. Right now I am just trying to get them used to me having my right hand over their nose and my left fingers in their mouths. Easy, pressure...letting them come to me. Not rushing has taken me a year to get to this point so don't want to spoil it now.
Any advice on how to get them to accept the bit easier. Anything I could be doing to make it less stressful for them? I have tried molasses on the bit but it ends up all over their
I do not want to stress them any more than they have been in the past.
have you watched the lessons on this ? there's a couple of series that could maybe help you
The centaur series
Georgia's phobias