my horse brings his head down putting all of the weight on his hands while turning in long lining ! not sitting on his hind legs at all
what should i do ?
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Horse Behavior and Training
bad turns in long lining
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Hi ebrahim,
To make smooth turns your horse needs to have space and the time to do so.
That's why I suggest to start slow, at a walk and really invite him in with you position and bodylanguage and your inside line, then when he does come away from the fence, ask him to turn with your outside line, closing the "old direction" with your body and opening the "new" one ahead of the horse. This way he'll feel free to move and finds joy in searching the new way to go.
When he understand there's no rush you can come to a trot, always leaving lots of space to turn. He needs to literally LOOK forward to the new direction after the turn.
Monty calls it: "....and then celebrate!"
Let us know if this works for you and your horse!
thanks a lot
i keep trying and let you know