Every summer I end end up with a night-MARE... a poor young rage against the machine 6 yr old who battles with her hormones like you've never seen before. However to cut a long story short we have found a solution for our problem regarding not leaving the yard when we want to hack out. I have a wip-wop and I am the biggest fan of them, I carry it with me all the time but when we are in full nightmare mode we bronc in the face of the wip-wop. Many of you are probably thinking 'but she's missing an important part here!' Which I could have kicked myself over. Yesterday blinkers on! Well genuinely so gobsmacked at the instanteous change... we matched out the drive with ears forward. Hacking yesterday with a friend we had a great time and no napping so hope people don't mind me sharing a little success story using MR's important lessons!