I have a miniature horse, sort of a wild rescue. He is about 7 years old. Never been handled that much or trained at all. I had him fixed about two weeks ago. When I do join up in the round pen he gives me three out of the four signs, but he never puts his head down or comes over to me. Instead he stops and looks straight out facing away from me. I can join up with him out in the pasture alright and rub his head and he will follow me all around all day out there. but forget about getting a lead rope on. It was only luck that I got a halter on him. So I think that he does not put his head down in the round pen is some sort of message for me but I don't know what it means. Please HELP.
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Wont put head down during join up in a round pen

I have a miniature horse, sort of a wild rescue. He is about 7 years old. Never been handled that much or trained at all. I had him fixed about two weeks ago. When I do join up in the round pen he gives me three out of the four signs, but he never puts his head down or comes over to me. Instead he stops and looks straight out facing away from me. I can join up with him out in the pasture alright and rub his head and he will follow me all around all day out there. but forget about getting a lead rope on. It was only luck that I got a halter on him. So I think that he does not put his head down in the round pen is some sort of message for me but I don't know what it means. Please HELP.
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Thanks for responding. I accidently made some good progress. I worked him in the round pen and nothing was going right. So I said the hell with it and I took one of our pool chairs out in the round pen with two beers and sat down to relax. The chair is real low one like 2" of the grass. In about 5 min he came over and long story short we are now good buddies. So when I join up with him in the pasture I just sit down and show him the lead rope and I can hook him up with no trouble. So my 6 foot stature I guess was terrifying him. I imagine at some point in the future I will be able to put the lead rope on standing, but I am in no rush.
I am 66 and my goal is to get this little guy to take my granddaughter as a rider. She is 5 and about 45 lbs. I did throw a saddle pad on him, it was way too big for him, but it did not seem to bother him. So, I thought I might get a 40 lbs bag of potting soil and try putting it on his back. We see how that goes.
Rocket is the little guy's name. Its an appropriate name he can really move when he wants. I did the forty-pound potting soil test on his back. I showed the product to him first and let him play with. He put a couple of holes in the bag which I fixed with duck tape. I put it on him twice. The load did not seem to bother him a bit, although the bag keeps sliding off. So the test was not very long, non the less no bucking or any signs of discontent. I sure am having fun with this little fellow. I ordered a bare bake pad with stirrups from ebay. We see how that works.