Has Monty ever visited Spain? Are there any certified teachers of his in this country?
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What about Monty in Spain?

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I know he was in Spain in 2005. He visited Málaga, Madrid and Barcelona.
Hi Christy ,I have been a follower of Monty Roberts since the late 80's and have been using his techniques here in Spain ever since with wonderful results.I am in Andalucia and as you know the local horsemen are harsh ,for the most part, with no understanding of rewarding the horse with release of pressure. In June I go to do the five day foundation with Kelly Marks and Co. in UK and from there I hope to go on to do the other stages of training.There is a growing body of people here interested in gentle horsemanship and we run a blog site ,called Alpuequus, you may be interested in, where we connect with other like minded horse people and generally spread the word.I would dearly love to help to influence the horsemanship here in Spain and the larger the number of informed horsemen/women we are, the more chance we have to do just that .There is a recommended associate called Tracey James working near Malaga. All the best ,Rachel
Thanks, Rachel! I live in Cantabria, weeell opposite you! I think in general, horsepeople tend to be pretty rough in Spain. There isn´t such a tradition as in other parts. Although, on the other hand, horsepeople are not particularly cruel. it´sjust the concept that a horse is "just an animal" and has no feelings. Do you agree?
I live in "the middle of nowhere but 5mins away from everything" in a little valley near La Vega de Pas. Do you know this part? or you Anibal?
The country people who have nice, big riding horses seem to use unnecessary force just because "horses are stupid". What a shame! And it is very hard to convince them otherwise. Particularly, if like me, you are new to owning one. And to tell the truth, their horses don´t look particularly happy.I have tried to approach a couple beauties in a nearby field and when I adopted Monty´s attitude, they seemed so grateful , in a way.... know what I mean?
I certainly would like to take part in your blog. Can you send me the address to my mail? krevanel@yahoo.com
It´s good to know that there is at least a little of Monty´s spirit in Spain. I have heard that a "horse whisperer woman" worked in Asturias but that is all I know.
Thank you, both. I look forward to the blog.
Hi Rachel & Christy I'm also in Spain ( Alicante area ) and have been a follower of all things natural( & western riding ) for some 12 years. I was recently at a demo by an independant UK 'horsewhisperer'. I watched for 7 hours waiting for him do do something that I could indentify with....he didnt. At the end of the day I felt like asking him did he want to come for a lesson with me. Around the same time I heard of yet more other very cruel stories regarding horses local to here. Although I was angry & dissapointed on the day , its given me the kick up to bum to get accreditation through Intelligent Horsemanship ( UK) and start to practice(teach) what I preach in this area, as an RA.( hopefully eventually ) I have 40 years of experience with horses, I have a small horse facility here, working with my Quarter horses, PRE stallions and babies. I am a complete anorak when it comes to all things natural & horsey. My children are now grown up and its time for me to start living for me & my darling horses, hopefully helping to spread Monty's word.....
We have a long way to go in Spain though with the ingrained traditions & attitudes....but we will win ...I know & what cant speak cant lie!
I would love to catch up with you guys in whatever way , we can support & encourage each other. Denise.
thanks for posting a comment. In a way it is good and in a way it is a drag that we are at different corners of Spain, this "piel de toro".
People are learning, I think to treat animals with more respect. Not many know about Monty but Cesar Millán, the "dog whisperer" is quite popular here so.... Monty´s work will eventually be well known. I stumbled upon a problem here in the north and that is the language. I am bi-lingual and I just forget it sometimes when I recommend Monty´s web. People come back to me complaining that it is in English. OK but images are comprehensible in any language.It´s like smiling, anybody will understand body language!
Anyway, I must go work now but if you want to "talk" more,here is my e-mail. Who knows, maybe we can get together sometime, all Monty´s "aprrentices"
Will check here too, though
I am interested in doing something in Spain, too. I am currently in the US, and hope to finish courses in CA on Monty's ranch by next year. I lived in Barcelona for 5 years and my husband is from there. We have ties in Barcelona and will return one day...
It is SO nice to hear that Monty's work IS in Spain! Yey!!
I'll send you an email.
Best wishes,
Oh this is realy growing! Will take a note of all your email addresses and add you to my alpuequus blog .You can also google it.It is about non violent methods,not exclusively about Mister Roberts but he sure is at the root of it all...Holy Moly !
It is also a place to share the good and bad about what's happening with you and your horses.For example I have just begun applying a natural stop sweet itch!! lotion,and it is working after only two applications!
Denise,hi there ,is it you who I met this June at Hartsop farm in Oxfordshire ??I arrived to do the five day foundation just as you were leaving. Please leave your email here so I can add you to alpuequus blog ...or you can google it and there we are .You maybe met my friend and colleague Amanda Leverdier there too, she was on the nutrition and foal handling courses etc.
I think it is wonderful there is a growing body of gentle horse people here where it is sooooo needed!Let's all help make Spain a better place for equus !Ole'!
Hi Rachel
Sorry but no it wasnt me in June .... however I am at Hartsop farm end of August for the 5 day foundation course.
You are right , it is wonderful that there are like minded people here in Spain....its just a shame that we are so far away from each other and that there are so few of us! .... BUT no reason to stop chipping away to stop the awful practices that exsist here.
Ive left my email on your blog....would be good to all meet up .... Equus Espana !
Helloo, Think it's really fab that there are so many great people working in Spain. I am half Spanish, currently doing the courses with Kelly in the UK, my family is from Santiago and I hope that once I'm qualified I could come to Spain to work with horses - it's nice knowing that there would be support :-)
There is quite a large following in Spain for natural horsemanship , I live near Malaga and we even have more and more Spanish takeing part. There is a lot of interest by the Expat horse people, SEPE have a demo in October by Lucy Rees and is usally well attended .
I myself am fairly new to horses but have two horses , one is a rescue and involed in a car accident , but is now on the way to being a good well behaved horse , by using Monty methods in a round pen ,
I have learnt so much , and try and pass on as much as I can to the non/old school.
Hello people from Spain,
I am a Certified Monty Roberts Instructor working in the UK at the moment. However, I am talking to a colleague about the possibility of running a Join-Up Clinic in north Spain. Would people be interested in being involved? Perhaps you could email me and let me know? laira@lairagold.com
Warm wishes
Hi there all of you above !! I am SO pleased there's more and more interest in Spain.Just writing to say let's keep up our good practices and on we go, growing in number all the time.Equus España ...nice touch Hors'emotion !.. And good luck with your course in the North Laira,spread the word! I will post your email on Alpuequus blog too.XX R
Tracey at www.espiritu-del-viento.com in the south of Spain,Malaga provine may well be into hosting an event??
Thank you Rachel! That is great. I will put something up on my website too....
I´m back after a long time without much access to an internet conexion. It´s great to see the number of us living in Spain and trying to spread Monty´s philosophy is growing.
I tried to push Laira Gold´s plan for a course with Monty in Cantabria. Translated what she sent me and passed it on to people who could move it forward but it seems that with the crisis Spain is in the midst of, there is no way of doing anything for the time being. Such a shame when we read about all the money wasted .... well, don´t get me talking. We all know what I mean. Anyway, the friend who has a small shop of equine suplies in Santander, although a fierce fan of >Monty and loving the idea hasn´t been able to convince any of the powerfull factors... Sorry! But I´ll keep reminding her. Hope you have more luck elsewhere.....
Best wishes!
I have just loved reading all these posts. It is great to know that all round the world we are trying and that there are so many like minded people - thanks Monty. Sadly though I guess much cruelty to horses still is still prevalent everywhere . I have been surprised that there seem to be so few Monty supporters here where I live in Australia. However most riders from the urban areas love their horses and treat them fairly well but many still seem to believe that you should hit or whip your horse to gain its respect. In the more isolated country areas there is still considerable cruelty particularly from men - sorry you guys. I have always found this hard to understand as animals are the livelihood for most of these farmers/graziers. I was fortunate as my Dad loved animals but growing up in a fairly isolated bush area I saw much cruelty and when I returned 10 years ago it was still present. Good luck making things better for horses in Spain - You have already a very enthusiastic core of people so that is a great start - we will do our best in Australia too. Hey Denise isn't it great when the kids grow up and we finally have time to follow our dreams!
Apologies to all those other Australian Monty Uni members. My comments should be limited to Melbourne not Australia and then even localised more to my own area around Diamond Creek/Yarrambat, and around my parents property near Bundarra/Inverell in NSW. Perhaps we could start a special Australian blog site for gentle horsemanship like Alpuequus which Sasafras mentioned Spain has or does one already exist? Other members may be better in touch with the real horsey world in Australia as I am only on the fringe having come back to horses in my post 40 years. Even then I was restricted as I worked until 2 years ago with little spare time so my knowledge is limited.
When I went to the 2009 Special training at the farm, there was an Andalusian stallion brought as a remedial horse. He was purchased in Spain and brought to California. The owner sent her trainer to buy him but he had been sold to a man in Spain. When the trainer went back to Spain she asked her buyer if she would like her to find the stallion she said yes. When she found him his nose was broken his eyes were swollen shut and he was in a stall. The owner wanted him to travel in a rearing position for parade. The buyer said I don't care if we bring him home and make him a lawn ornament, just get him home. When Monty got him in the round pen, he had a very soft eye and beautiful ground manners. He long lined him after Join-Up, this stallion was so graceful and sensative and a joy to watch. Monty watched him move and asked "why would anyone take a horse this sensative and kind and hurt them" I will never understand brute force. I will never forget that stallion or what he taught me about forgiveness and learning to trust again.
Maggief. I have a background in Idaho of cattle ranching family. My uncle Ben was still riding Quarter Horses and working with his cattle until he was 92 years old. The only two places he felt comfortable in was his arm chair and on his horse. I will be 60 this summer and I know that when I am in a barn I am 16 years years old again. Mucking stalls just to be around the horses. We all have a love horses that we never grew out of!!!!!
mssmith - now I am crying at your story but it had a beautiful ending! Like you being around horses makes me feel young and I forget my age - where did all those years go?
I guess others have also found the wonderful Monty Roberts videos under YouTube search Monty Roberts. I have just been loving these and some are in Spanish too! I watched three this morning in Spanish and just interpreted for myself into English as I have watched so many on Monty's videos now. A couple showed the cruelty to some of the horses prior to coming to Monty. However my favourite video this morning had to be Monty Roberts - The Horse Whisperer 2of4 found on page 2 of the videos. I guess the Mustang was Shy Boy and I have watched the Shy Boy videos previously but this video was better and magnificent. Made more so as I watched it on my daughter's new computer with its large plasma TV like screen. The California scenery was great too as I spent 3 years in California when I was first married. When I read the horse whisperer years ago I seemed to gather that most of the join up Monty did with Shy Boy was on foot but this video shows how he rode after him all day and all night until the Mustang finally decided to join up. It is a great watch if you haven't already seen. You would love it, Janelle.