My ywo horses are boarded at a therapy center barn in Delaware Ohio. I have moved them several times because violence reared its ugly head ogre was pressured medias my way of working with my own horses Montys way made them look bad. I have bving problems health wise.My 6 yr old buckskin Molly has learned at her former owners hands that might makes right. I have saddle trained her Mintys way only to have my last boarding owner run her and whip at her. After moving where I am now the farrier said he could help me with her refusal on one rear leg. She got worse as did my 4 yr old palomino I raised. Molly was a rescue from a bad situation and has shown remarkable improvement in my care. Yesterday the barn farrier came in with an attitude same as last time.last time he got frustrated and kicked a wall. Yesterday he took two steps back as if he was leaving throwing his hands up and turned s and took two steps and kicjed her in the rigs like you punted a football. I put her away I was so calm as I was furious! This hutt on the phone would not let me explain that she virtually had had no work done improving as I was in hospital and fighting a bad infection. I take full responsability for not succeeding in that areas off her training. He had his mind closed. I thought he was just busy on the phone. I approached him and said I can't have you being violent with my horses its not the answer. He looked at me and said shes done and I said so are you. This was entually one of the nicest guys ever met. The lady few times hes ben there he had been very terse. He sold his wifes horse so he may be having financial difficulties. The owner and he go back 20 years . He said Molly should"Take a ride" which I understand as go to slaughter. He screamed from his cast as I write him a check for both horses he handed me a bikl for one. He was upset I was paying him for both! He sacredness that she had her ears forward in the stall and was proud off herself. He had set this up a personal and not business with no warning he would do this I had Dually and had schooled her once. He gritted his teeth and said hope all he wanted to do at that moment was get out of there and told me top step away from his truck and then said Go on hurry up Scat! Like you would instruct a cat. The owner who previously always was cleaning stalls was riding much longer then normal. She always was there talking to him. I hoyt the feeling hee had it planned and sd told her to not be there, that way it would be my word against his. I had forgotten my purse and my husband brought it up to me so he was there to witness it also. After he left I told my husband to stop petting Molly and I took her to indoor arena for groundwork with the Dually. She was calm and did all I asked like normal including stroke her legs and did not kick out. I am afraid I will have to move again as this guy is gonna tell the owner
That Mollys dangerous. She may be butt this hutt knew she had a problem with that hoof and instead of getting three with the other three hooves first he chose to make it one on one cage match. Of anything he reinforced her concept of might makes right when she does not want to do something.If this hutt had had a gun there is no faint in his rage at failing again to hold her leg he would have shot her. I want to get her to want to give me her feet using Mintys methods. Her front feet are all chipped in this dryness. Do you think nature will take its courses and just keep trimming them or will I need to get someone new on to just do her front feet? I really need someone trained in Mintys methods to help me!!! I cannot afford to ship get off to a so called pro who will resort top the same tactics. I feel I have done well with her in all other eas using Montys methods, I am even making the gloves stick he used but need reference to where the video is so that would help alot. I don't think she deserves less then I am able to give its just that they did not have any hoofwork done these past two months. I don't know what else to say my confidence is at a low point its just with Anne spinal problems it will only be s few more years I will be able top physically do this horse thing I am afraid. I like broking work and relationship stuff more them riding at this point s Sorry such a long post I have horses in Sunbury and need references for training. Thanks
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There is absolutely NO excuse for him treating any horse that way. Or his treating you that way either. He shouldnt be allowed to be around ANY horse for any reason. I wish I could help but I live in Colorado and dont know anyone where you are. I hope you can find a decent farrier and maybe even a better place for your horses, they, and you, dont deserve that kind of treatment.
Irishwabbit I am so sad to hear your story! I wish I could help but I am a few countries and oceans away! I do hope you do not have to move again but if you do it could be for the best. This man sounds like a real brute but I understand there is little you can do with such a bully. If he visits the farm regularly you would be better moving - it is just NOT right but it happens and there seems little we can do about it. If you report him it could just get worse unless he is convicted and then it is your work against his. If you are able to really work on her front hooves to get her to pick them up and hold them up for you without moving. Watch Monty's video "join up with the farrier". Use the dually for any resistence. To teach Tricka to be really good I tied her up on the tie up ring under her chin then put a second short strap on the dually discipline ring closest to where I was working. This way I could correct her whith the dually immediately. Perhaps with your back you are unable to pick up her hooves. If this is the case would your husband try as you held your horse with the dually halter? You could then immediately correct any attempt for your mare to pull her hoof from your husband's hands. If not your husband then maybe a friend? After many bad experiences with farriers myself I am very aware that your horse needs to be well behaved prior to getting the farrier. Farriers tend to have short fuses - it seems to come with the profession. Even my very patient good farrier belted Tricka across the face with his hand and hit her hard on the shoulder with the rasp when she muzzled his shoulder! In the past I have had farriers that used nose twitches or ear twitches if the horse played up in the slightest manner and a country farrier that drove a shoeing nail into my horse"s (Uggs) shoulder. He was only 3 years old at the time - the wound got infected and he still has a lump of scar tissue. Farriers are not my favourite people but we do need them and some are much better than others so search around for a better, kinder one. It is so important to handle a young horse's hooves each day for a few days to ensure that it is ready for the farrier prior to the farrier coming. They can be so easily set off with a new person handling them etc. so the more you prepare them the better it will be. Trimming her front hooves only should be OK for awhile. Maybe you have a friend who can trim them for you as once you know how it is not very difficult. Good luck - my heart goes out to you! Let us know how things progress.
Thanks, today I noticed Mollys front hooves seen to be chipping to a default as in a fingernail breaking off growth when you break them. My husband and I tolled sought maybe finally looking for a small ranch house on some acres and a barn.He is 74 and in good health a survivor of bladder cancer and my issues would be only worries if it would happen to be Gods plan for us. The 30miles each way we drive, the food would be less as I am not seeing Molly being fed in evening. All the drama woud be over once we got going on it and I envision sitting on a back porch drinking pop and watching our horses not 30miles away but 300yards. If any of you can say some prayers for God to lead us down his path please do so! I went today and her unconyrolled dog tore right after Faith while I haead uesterday
Tore after Faith while I had her on lead. Yesterday.I was practicing with Molly before farrier and I have hoof in my hand and dog jist abput knocked me over causing a wreck! Today the dog ran and tried to jump in my husbands lap while he watched me work horses and she.screamed at him to not reach down that it was taking her dogs focus off of her not allowing her to gain control of dog. I train dogs even my own service dog for balamce issues. A new dogs way to concentrate om you is a "leash"! Then later she interrupted my workout.again to inform me she shut Faiths fan off that they serve no purpose when I have them in the arena for their 20minite session. I had no idea what the heck she was talking about as I have been there two summers now and its not been a rule I asked my husband did he turm a fan on or off he said no and I said I have not touched them today at all. This ia all happening as she is screamimg across the arena instead of me either finishing or walking out to talk. I just under react I am not giving her the.satisfaction. Meanwhile groups of girlscout troops are running up and down the hallway poking at all the horses they do not even know, I see a lawsuit in the future when a girl cannot play piano without all the fingers. WoW! I am.wondering if I myself could rasp her front feet after she chips the rest off she has mustang like hooves
hard as rock. You lnow just to even it up a bit if I cannot find someone fast. Ohio State Umibersity horse area is practically across the street from me they would have to have some info I bet. Well thanks again for support, I just was about to thimk I didnt kmow wjat I was doing and maybe they were right. I know they are wrong just wish we had our video camera that day. To have a theraputic barn recommend or approve of that is insanty! Night,Anne
I really hope you can get your place, that would be best all around. I understand having your horses 30 or more miles away, we had to pasture our mustangs out, and when we lost our jobs, we lost them. Then we managed to find an abandoned ranch, well, not REALLY abandoned, but nobody lives there, and they let us keep our 2 new horses there just for keeping the fence up. Unfortunately, they come and stay a weekend or 2 out of the year so we cant have the house, but they dont interfere with the horses, and its only 7 miles away, and is surrounded on 3 sides by the ranch my husband works on, so even of I cant get there, he always does. And its one of the few places around here that has plenty of grass and water. So we are really lucky. I hope you can find a place as good, where you can have the house too. And a farrier like the one we have, he wouldnt hurt a horse for anything. If they act up, he just backs them across the corral and then goes back to what he was doing and they stand quietly. My husband got his horse from him, and Emmett isnt afraid of anything at all, except for rattlesnakes.