I was just thinking about the videos and how I go back watching the previously viewed ones often. I am curious to see what happens at the end of the year sign up for EOU and what is on the archive for our viewing at this point. I certainly hope we have access to them and if not, I am wondering if they can be saved on our computers in case we choose to NOT sign up for the second year of the Uni.
Please advise and thank you for the lessons. I just wished we had more than one lesson every other week or so!
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Uni Lessons and end of sign up time
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Subscribe to Equus Online University and become a part of Monty's worldwide mission to leave the world a better place for horses and for people too.
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As long as you are a subscriber you will have unlimited access to ALL lessons :)
In this case, MORE is definitely better! We upload a new lesson EVERY week :D Are you on our email Ask Monty that announces on Wednesdays the newest lesson upload?
Hi there, Yes I am. My concern is AFTER my year is up, and let's say I decide not to sign up, having access to the material I received while subscribing to the Uni. Obviously, not subscribing next year and the years after is understandably limits my access to the materials shared then and then after.
Hi can you please tell me how I download the lessons to my laptop so I can take the laptop to the round yard?, I could not find the answers to the previous questions which more or less asked the same.
It is not possible to download the video lessons and it would be illegal making a copy of them. See “Terms & Conditions” under “Unauthorized Duplication and Distribution”.
You may download the “Audio” section, where provided. Most often, although not always, the Audio downloadable is a duplication of what Monty explains during the concerned video lesson. Having handy a copy of the relevant “Extended Notes” and, possibly, a copy of the relevant chapter of Monty’s book “From My Hands to Yours” (many drawings in it), could be of help before starting your work in the field.
As per the video part of the lesson, you should try to bring it with you in your head and in your heart.
Well said Bruno; thank you.
You can download the audio (I think)
so pretty much once the subscription is gone, there is no access to the videos it sounds. That is too bad.
You can still buy books and DVDs from Monty.
Monty's Equus Online lessons site has created a community of you all and a unique learning environment. New lessons added each week, the Forum, the challenges, the social media sharing, the ongoing weekly written Q&A library: all these make the Uni a dynamic learning environment. It is the future of learning and less expensive than shipping books, audio and DVDs all over the earth. I hope that helps your vision - we are very excited to have created this environment. We look for new ideas from you too, to go where you need it to. We hope you agree :)
My very personal opinion on this topic is:
Business is business, and even to spread one’s good belief it takes money, no matter how good the belief is. If you earn no money, your idea will have no chance to spread much around. All the ones who might be interested in it will have little or no chance to listen to it.
At present, Equus University’s fees are very, very honest. Much more than that, they are a true “gift inscription”. As far as they do not go upward too much, this is (in my very personal opinion as a student) the best and most economically convenient way to stay in touch with all that Uni offers “on the run”.
Another solution, suggested by others in this section of the forum, would be to ask Monty to put on sale a year-round-lessons’ DVD at a special rate for the students that might decide to quit. Again, my very personal opinion is: please do not insist to much on that, it easily may cost a lot more than a renewal subscribing for a new year without all the advantages of interacting with the community. Talking strictly about myself, should I not profit enough in two years time of a year Uni’s course, still having as a permanent support Monty’s books, free videos on Internet, Uni’s extended notes and audios, I’d better decide to invest my time in something else.
Finally, just to clarify my earlier post dated March 6th 2010 in no half-words, it is technically possible to copy the Uni’s videos for anyone with no much experience in computers. I can do it, but I will not do it. Why? Because: first it is illegal, and this would go against my personal principles and Uni’s philosophy; second it would go against Monty’s efforts to make a better world. And my very personal opinion is that most of us stick to the Uni mostly for that reason. Monty’s way to handle horses is just great; it fascinates us and unites us in a ground of common interest. But, willing or not, his teaching is opening for the student a new, non-conventional window to look at the world through; and this is not only fascinating, this is just magic.
Bruno, thank you I hope many students read your comment. I will sign up for next year. The first one passed so quickly... good luck, VioBerlin
That reminds me to ask!
Will I be prompted/reminded that it is time to renew the subscription?
I bought this as a "Christmas gift" for me and my youngster last year, and I think I would like to repeat that gift again this year.
I spend way too much money already on this hobby of mine, but this money feels like it is is well spent.
In "my account" on the dashboard you'll find the expiring date of your account. There is a button to click to "buy a new subscription".
Like all of you above, I'll be subscibing again, so much good work to learn and the forum is a great chance to put into words what goes on during this learningprocess. Worth every cent and every second spent on it !
Indeed there is. :)
Thank you, miriam!