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Horse Care and Comfort

treating abscess....


Hello! I am going on my first Spring as a new horse owner. I recently discovered my mare had an abscess in her left hind near the medial toe (which I am still trying to figure out where that is!) and the farrier drained part of it. She recommend that I soak it in epsom salt and warm water, but that it should heal itself. My barn manager suggested that I put magnapaste (green gel with epsom in it) on the hoof and wrap it for a few days. I am also giving her 1gram of bute each day because she is barely walking she is so sore. She is even acting sore on the other hind foot too! I decided to wrap both and for the past 2 days, black tar-like substance is coming out of the sides of her frog. Does this sound right?

Also, I am trying to figure out what my plan of action is to keep treating this, but I get so many opinions...My question is....what do YOU do to treat an abscess? And how do you know it is healed? What are things I should definitely NOT do or watch out for? I am so new to this! I just want to make sure I'm doing it right.

Any help will be appreciated!!

Miriam (Holland&Germany)
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed 300 lessons completed 350 lessons completed 400 lessons completed 450 lessons completed 500 lessons completed 550 lessons completed 600 lessons completed 650 lessons completed

Hi dolleegirl,

Whenever you're unsure about a healthissue, call the vet!
The old saying "no hoof, no horse" should warn you not to wait too long, before getting help.
It is hard to judge the situation from this side of the internet, but don't take any chances. Even if you doubt the farriers advise, get a second opinion.

Amberpony - California, USA
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed

It has been my experiance that the Farrier i the one to call when it comes to the Hoof. That is a Well Schooled Farrier that is comfortable with working with your vet. My Vets have even recommended a Farrier they prefer to work with.

I have lot of Abscess Experiences of different types. But it was the Farrier and the Vet that taught me what to do.

It was also the Iodine Remedy that is the reason for My Food Allergies that can put me into Shock. Soooo call the For Professional Help and Learn to deal with it in a safe manor for you and your horse. Please stay away from trendy Natural Cures until you understand the medical cures with there whys and hows.

Amberpony - California, USA
Hello! 100 lessons completed 150 lessons completed 200 lessons completed 250 lessons completed

BTW a Good Farrier Likes it when you call and give him an update. Then he can come back out if need be to help solve the problem.


thank you so much for the advice. i spoke with my vet and will call and give an update to my farrier. so far, so good with Dollee. My vet recommended 2x/day soaking with epsom salt. She has recovered well and is walking and standing on the hoof. Thanks again for the advice--hopefully we will get to ride again soon!

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After all of this is over, you should perhaps consider having the Chiropractor see her too. I am sure all the limping and favoring her hind leg has had an impact on the rest of her body. It is one of those things that later on can cause other problems. Glad to hear your horse is doing better.