What's a good way of traffic training a young horse and to be safe on the road?
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IMy traffic student is a 2,5 year old mare. She generally is pretty easy going and a fast learner. I've bred her and raised her myself and from early days she had to coop with tractors and trucks around our farm. no big deal and she totally trust me and follows up. Today I started to walk her with a dually halter up and down the path way towards a public county road and I've done this 2 more times before. A few cars passed by and I just let her watch from the entrance path way. The first time she thought it was scarry and walked few steps backwards when cars passed by. But I made sure we ended this training positive. Second time traffic training we walked all relaxed toward the road but when the cars and motor bike passed by, it really scared her again and she pulled back on the dually. A sec. later she relaxed again and we continued walking up and down the path way and a little walk on the public road like no big deal but when the 2nd and the 3th car passed by, she got more scared about it and pulled harder back. Even a passing quiet biclycle made her stressed out. So I was wondering why she kept stressing out more and kept on pulling backwards after experiencing more cars. I do have her mother around the farm and she might be a good schoolteacher because she's traffic proof. but it's a bit difficult these days to use her als a mentor since she has a 3month old foal...Tomorrow I'll go take my student toward the road again try not to make a big deal out if it. Our public road is super busy on sundays maybe that might be good for training. The first few times I've traffic trained my horse where 'quiet moment.. Thanks again for your tips! All my best Petra
Just a thought
Maaike have progressed a lot since the last traffic training experience. Maaike is very curious horse, she really enjoys discovering new things and dissolving the mistery of objects that move and make sounds. Haha, she makes it almost like a meet and greet moment. Especially when cars come to the farm and people step out and greet us. But the cars on the road that pass by is different: they don't slow down, stop and say hi..
Now when days are short, weather is not so nice and cars have their lights on is a whole different experience.. I haven't taken her out on a walk in the dark too much so we''ll wait with studying this situation untill the daylight traffic is easy going. To be continued. All my best, Petra.