Off to try out the standing still practice today with a almost reformed 'problem horse' - see Sam's Story on YouTube for a snapshot view of the before and after. He struggles to handle his adrenaline with other horses moving around him so (after consultation with one of Monty's RAs and lots of supervised practised) we are off to the local point to point races to stand still whilst the horses gallop past!!
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Good luck!
We did it!!! Yipee. By the end of the day Sam was able to stand by one of the fences whilst the field of racehorses thundered past - without moving a hoof or his heart thumping out of his chest.
It didn't all go according to plan as Sam freaked once we had put the saddle on and he felt a slight constriction around his middle (the issue we have been dealing with for the past year) and had a bit of a bucking moment - but he calmed down really quickly and we put a rider on and then stood calmly by the jump for the last race with out any tension on the line! Plenty to work on and have discussed outcome with Dan Wilson to sort out a programme to take things to the next stage. Importantly, a big step for Sam (albeit with a little blip) and we are very proud of him. A big learning curve for us too!!!
Congrats! That is just so great!