Hello Monty and the crew!
The uni site is fantastic, congratulations!
I am really enjoying and will spread it to my friends in Brazil and all over the world, specially those who don´t know what horses are all about and what they can do for our lifes.
I am into showjumping, and would like tips to better train the horse so that he will like it, also some riding tips for better performance. Other important problem to be solved is that I have a horse that has very powerful hind legs and jumps high but do not pull his front leg enough to avoid hiting the fence.
Hope to hear to from you soon.
Best regards,
Marcelo Coelho
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Hi Marcelo
While Monty will provide you answers I strongly recommend to study the work of Bertalan de Nemethy. He was a great Hungarian (where I ame from) rider then became the Coach for the successfull US showjumping team. Though he was more for the classical training methods, was also following the same approach of incremental learning what Monty is teaching us.
For successfull showjumping to develop the rider's seat/balance is just as important then the capabilities of the horse. See Nemethy.
Book to start with (there are others):
The De Nemethy Method: Modern Techniques for Training the Show Jumper and Its Rider (Hardcover)