I started going my horses shots 2 a week for 2 weeks so 4 shots. The first one i gave him was great did not move very good boy. Im doing them in the butt. The next one he move and did not like. After that i have had a hard time giving him a shot. I keep on thinking im going to hurt him or im hurting him. Today i could not do it at all i sit there with him and tryed put the niddle up to his butt flicked it so he knew what was going on. And i did this on and off for 30 min i could not give him his shot. I could not do it is all i was thinking about was hurting him..... he butt might hurt from me flicking it if anything. I dont know what to do i dont want to hurt him. He way better if i do it on his left side. But im trying to change so one side dose not get sour. Help
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Hi....it sucks doing anything to your horse that you know will be painful......BUT.......
Often the issues are more yours than the horse.....and passed onto your horse!!
But it is understandable and I am often called on by horsey friends to do it for them.....and thats what you should do if you have someone to help.
I had a friends horse that was totally unhandled, came off a truck very sick and needed lots of injections.......she is a very capable horsewoman but was concerned that her relationship with her horse would be damaged for ever if all she did was jab it for the first four weeks......so i did it. It was an extreme case as she required 3 or four per day....a whole year later she still flattens her ears at only me when I first approach her.
But if you don't have someone to assist you........my rule is never the same place twice so I go rear neck rear neck on both sides....so i never go to the same place twice in a row and I mix up my routine as well so its not so predictable.
It all so helps to cover an eye on the same side as you are giving the injection......to many go at their horses like they are throwing at a dart board...but also are hesitant and then train the behavior in their horses. Which is where you are heading.
I have a horse here that I was told would go berserk at the sight of an injection and to be very careful!!
Using these methods as above I have never had a problem with him ever!
Good luck
ps.....read the thread in the below topic prepping for shots....replies from the best of the best on there.....they won't steer you wrong :-)
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