Curious if there are any like minded (aka Monty-minded) equestrians in the area that might be interested in collaborating with his training. I plan to follow Monty's methods as closely as possible. My 13 y/o gelding has never been ridden but he's a sweet boy on the ground and I want to take my time starting him under saddle. It would be great to have an extra set of eyes or hands, plus it will be great experience for us both.
Even some of the local "natural horsemanship" trainers at the adoption center have been too heavy handed for him and he's not responding well to it.
I'm also happy to lend a hand if with your horses if you have them.
Please reply to this post if you're interested!
- Carrie & Shakespeare
Max & Humphrey could be considered rescues, although perhaps not in the same league as your guy & Humphrey sired Kirk & his sister Holy Moley - who was Monty's last first saddle & rider in Scotland ( YouTube Monty Roberts & Kelly Marks at SNEC 2019 ).
I am privileged to have this incredible trusting relationship with my guys. I have posted about them on the forum over the last few years so I'll let you look us up. Suffice to say you are very welcome to contact me so we can discuss your situation & hopefully you find my third party insight at least thought provoking. Working quietly, at Shakespeare's pace, will gain you massive advantages & so long as you are both having fun ( even when a situation causes the horse to be a bit wary if you proceed incrementally & rethink your approach if something isn't working for Shakespeare he will have fun beating his demons ) you will both be on track for the most satisfying journey.
Hopefully hear from you soon & that you also hear from more likeminded people local to you. Cheers, Jo.