I'm wondering what the parameters are for riding with the Dually. I have a pony that bolts at a certain place in the field and i'd like to remedy that. We're making the change to a Dr Cooks bitless bridle and I'd like to iron out some of these little things.
Also, he can be slow to listen to my cues. Can I fix this by riding with the Dually for a bit?
Thank you.
Hi Jefra,
After getting to respond to the Dually Halter from the ground and your feeling safe with his responding, there is no reason why not ride with the halter in an enclosure. I wouldn't rely on it on a trailride, but why not combine the bridle with the halter? A friend of mine had a problem with her mare taking off before she had the time to really sit in the saddle. I did one Dually session with the horse, then put the halter over her bridle, so my friend could keep control from the saddle afterwards. The response was overwhelming. Eversince then my friend mounts with the halter and then rides with the bridle. Even in spooky situations on a track she feels good about having the Dually to fall back to in case of emergency, because this saves the horses gums and she reacts so well to the Dually.
Hi Jefra,
After getting to respond to the Dually Halter from the ground and your feeling safe with his responding, there is no reason why not ride with the halter in an enclosure. I wouldn't rely on it on a trailride, but why not combine the bridle with the halter? A friend of mine had a problem with her mare taking off before she had the time to really sit in the saddle. I did one Dually session with the horse, then put the halter over her bridle, so my friend could keep control from the saddle afterwards. The response was overwhelming. Eversince then my friend mounts with the halter and then rides with the bridle. Even in spooky situations on a track she feels good about having the Dually to fall back to in case of emergency, because this saves the horses gums and she reacts so well to the Dually.
Hi Jefra,
I use the dually halter to start horses on trail ride and it has been very effective. Several owners use the dually exclusively for riding they say the dually work better than the bitless bridle for those who don't want to use bits. I also use the dually to work with remedial issue on trail and have never had a problem. When I first gentled my mustang (who was 5 years old and had never even been saddled let alone ridden) I used the dually exclusively with him until I could just use a halter. I don't believe I could have transitioned to the halter without using the dually at first.
Good luck
Jack and Comanche