Hi! I just have been watching this week's lesson - sitting on my big rubber gymnastic ball. I use it for my bad back instead of a chair. Listening to Mr. Winters I realized that I was starting to move my behind just as I want to stop my horse. I was "rinding" the ball! "What a good idea" I thought and started to immitate all movements I would do as a cue to stop, move forward, sideways etc. Wow, you can feel on the ball how much movement even a little lifting up of my body must creat in the horses body! The ball is very "sensitive" as it is rubber that gives to you immediately if you move in some direction. Just like the rubber line we use to tie up the young horse. So here we can learn and train our movements! Funny, isn't it? I would never had the idea to do so if I wouldn't had been "riding" the ball when watching that lesson! Have fun trying it! VioBerlin
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Gymnastic balls are awesome I give lessons and I use them for people to develop balance. I have them take their feet off the ground and try to balance on the ball it helps develop the stabalizer muscles but that is an excelent idea as well!!
Hi Kit! I will try to take my feet off :-) interesting that you are using the ball too. Cheers, VioBerlin