I would like to see a session on what steps to take with a horse who has not been ridden say for two or three years. A refresher course for the trained horse and perhaps the rider? Also perhaps a small training session on how to warm your horse up before riding, getting your horse to pay attention to you etc.
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Refresher Course for Horse and Rider

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I don't know what others do, but I have 2 new-to-me middle aged geldings who have not been ridden in about 3 years. I took each one of them for a test drive to see where they are at and they both acted like they've never been ridden before and had NO idea what I wanted. I intend to do join up with them both and treat them like young horses just getting started in their training. Hopefully they will "remember" how to do things and will progress smoothly.
Horses do not seem to forget so they should respond once they have adjusted to the idea.