I think it is wonderful if we READ old posts to refresh our memories but to bring them all up and eliminate current ones off the forum isn't a good idea.
The current questions and answers pertain to now and need to be addressed.
We cannot redirect the forum on a whim. It's Ok to bring up a subject but leave the majority there.
Many of us do not have the time to search for current questions then after doing research to answer the question come to the forum and find it is no longer there???
What's up with this?
These older post have been dealt with and most of the partisipants are no longer on the UNI. So congradulating them is of no benifit.
There are some serious problems that help is needed with.
This is not a chat room. It is a form of education and help line.
I'm getting that I will not post, especially if I feel that the advice that is needed is not going to be available.
Keep it current.
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reading old posts/bringing them up???

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Good point Ronda, how are you and Star by the way?
Agreed :-)
Thats lovely, but i have to say as a complete newby to this forum, it is very hard to know who is a current member and who is not. Just because a thread has an old date on it doesnt make it invalid, nor does it make it not worth bring up again. Yes its a pain i am sure if you've already been there and read it etc, but threads have come to my notice this way that i otherwise would not have found.
I dont feel however that this is any members' fault, rather it is the format of this particular forum. I think it would work and run more efficently for everyone if it was organised and modorated differently :)
Perhaps you mis-undestood what I was trying to say. This forum is not a chat line as I said.
Each one of us pay for it's use. Also as I said if one wants to read old posts, type in a thought, read it, learn from it and leave it at that.
It does not need to be re-posted.
As regards to non-members and not knowing them, my point was to use the forum as a trans-way to current topics.
I only used old members to illustrate how old the topic was and that the purpose for bringing it up was not needed, come on, I mean TO SAY HELLO to someone who is no longer a member and leave it at that!!! Why????
If some additional information to the subject was added we all benifit, if not it is a waste of time.
There is nothing wrong with the forum's format. The introduction shows clearly how to use it.
Many people spend hours in front of a TV, some of us choose to use our time searching for answers.
If you need or want information type in a subject or go to the forum icon and READ about a subject. You will learn a great deal, I promise. There are unbelievable subjects and great answers from very experienced people.
Some of this information is years old but still worthy of a good READ.
If the older post is needed then post it and add current information to it, we'd all appreciate that.
Yes i pay too and i dont apprieciate your tone. I dont need words capitalised to get your point across. I am fully aware of how to use a forum. It is my opinion that this forum could run better. I was merely trying to express the flipside to the original point you made.
And i do understand what you are expressing btw. It is frustrating when you have belonged to a forum for a while to have old posts dredged up. I dont think however it is kind to target someone's post as pointless, even if it is just "hello".
It would be nice if the kindness and tolerance and the keenness to understand our horses was extended here too.
Hi horseaddict,
Star is doing great. Jannah is a good trainer and Star is benefiting from her work.
For me, not so great. My balance is off and I'm not sure if I will get the full use of my left leg back. It is numb from the knee down so when I walk and turn too quickly, down I go. Getting too old to fall now.
I haven't been riding for a while, Donna is afraid I might fall off the horse.
I find when I am in the stirrups I can't feel the left one properly and when I try to post it is unbalanced.
But I won't let it discourage me.
EACH DAY I am breathing is one more day above the ground, right???
I love my little mare and Paul has been looking after her very well. He just brought her into her paddock after she was in the pasture for a taste of nice fresh green grass.
You take care,
If a member has lost touch with a thread they can use the search engine. ..... I pay to use this sight. This gives me the right to post in the Forum. I recently learned how to use the search engine here. So was able to find some things that I had been wondering about. Just because I am not part of your little click does not give you the right to try and chase me off, this is not grade school.
So sorry Ronda to note your slow progress to recovery but stick with it. It is great to know you now have Jannah to help out and Paul too. Thanks for the update. Take care and stay strong.
Hi Amberpony - I doubt it is possible to have a little click on forum as it is an open forum for all Monty's students. However some of us do prefer to stick with real issues of concern with out horses. Recently forum has really deteriorated and that is extremely disappointing to note. I no longer feel like contributing and regret re-joining the Uni this year.
Hi Ronda, I'm glad Star's doing great! You are in my prayers, and I hope you get better, so you can continue riding and enjoying your horse.
Ok I don't know what really going on here but I have been on here for 2 years and now people are just being plan out mean... any question is important. No one has the right to stay what I can and can not post on here. I'm a member and pay money like the rest of u and if I want to stay hi to some one I will. Or ask how everyone day is going I will. And if u don't like it u can not renew ur member ship to this site. No one has any right to say what important ever one has there own judgment if what important... i have so much more to say in anger. No one has the right to say what other can and can not do. If a old subject came up and u don't like it then don't ready it but other of us might feel like it was not full explan and would like to know more about it. just like how ever one want to know how u and star are doing that something that important to the people that know what's going on but that a old subject. So can not talk about old subject then we can talk about how people who are having a hard time in life and if it getting better. I'm going to stop there I'm very anger at the post and I was not meant to hurt any one I just wanted to make a point. Sorry if anyone feeling got hurt.
That's it for me. Have a great life.
May you enjoy yourself.
If my having a stroke so I am not able to train my horse offends you, too bad for you I guess.
Thank you for your support over the past year and you know who I am talking to.
I have done much research to help to answer any questions some of you have had and done my best to be supportive and help.
My posting has been very difficult to be able to answer in english but I will not be doing this again.
Thank you Monty for helping me when I needed it the most and thank you to all the instructors for you help.
Take care,
I am deeply saddened about all the fighting and arguing here lately. Isnt there too of that in the world already, without adding to it on a forum like this? It seems some people are trying to drive others off, and sadly, it seems to be working. Cant we just tone it down a little, realize that everyone has a right to their opinion and comments without being mean about it? I dont want to see anyone leave, I enjoy reading all the comments and advice, but when people start arguing and fighting, I wonder if its really worth it to renew in 2 months, if this is the kind of thing that will be in the forum. I thought the forum was here for advice and help, and support, not to put each other down. And as for support, I believe that wanting to know how someone is doing IS support. Especially if they are having a hard time of it one way or the other, whether it is health, horse, or any other problem they might be having. It all relates.
Ronda, I truly hope you will get back to being able to ride your horse. I am hoping with all my heart that you have a full recovery. I have an idea that may or may not help, have you ever tried riding western? In my experience, you dont need to post, but use your knees to hang on, sort of. And the saddle has more support, I think. Just an idea.
Hi all,
My husband just read all the posts and reminded me of something very important.
I am a valuable person and my years of knowledge and life experiences are worthwhile.
My research and experience with different horses is needed.
He also remeinded me why I joined Monty's UNI in the first place: to learn and help.
My english is not so good and I am a straight shooter when it comes to my expressions. I do my best and that is all I can do. I do not mean to offend but I know when we cannot express ourselves properly some will take offence. I am sorry about that.
Thank you for your suggestion on a western saddle. Because of my hip that is why I now use a english one. that is what the trainer said I should use. I like the western better, it is more comfortable, like sitting in a chair.
What I said was not ment to hurt any one and i am very sorry if it did. Just The way thing about old post read and learn for it and leave it alone. What happens if we still have question about it or feel it was not fully answer like reading a old post about how some one got hurt or there horses got hurt and we now want to know how everything is going but we can't asks because its a old post and were should just read learn and leave it alone. Make it had to do when we want to know how someone health is and so on. I'm sorry ur having a hard time and it really suck and im sorry for anything I said hurt ur feeling Ronda. I just think if it a old post and we have a new answer for it or feel there should still be more to it I think there is nothing wrong with bring it back up again.
I agree and that is what I was trying to say. if it has value yes we need to bring it back.
I didn't want to be mean but the harshness was getting old. I actually like the fact that someone has the time to research on the internet for answers. Star & Dennis seem to be good at internet searching and that is helpful. Personally I never have a hard time finding things on the internet. Help is Help any way we can get is good.
The language barrier is a hard one. Especially when if you are like me and don't get away from your house. My friends from Australia tell me I have a language all my own ;^) so I bet it is hard for some of you to translate.
Ronda, I thought English WAS your first language! Sure sounded like it to me. I have never had any problem understanding what you were saying. And your husband is absolutely right, your experience and comments are VERY helpful. And Maggie, you have the knack of making people feel better about their problems. You are needed here too. Please dont regret rejoining. This forum needs someone like you. And as for people who dont speak English very well, well, if we all just stop and re-read and think before we answer, I am sure we will figure out just what the person is really saying, instead of reading one time and thinking we know what was actually said. I learned that from my first marriage when most of my inlaws spoke Spanish and it was really hard to figure out what they were talking about. I made some really embarrasing mistakes before I learned to stop and really listen.
Hi phantom,
My problem is I speack several languages and none of them very well.
When I was very young Galiac was spoken, then french, then spanish, then polish and so on.
It really confuses me sometimes.
I am most fluent in ASL (American Sign Language) and am most comfortable with that.
I too have to read the posts several times to try to understand what is being said and usually I get it wrong. So now I let my husband help me. Then he explains what is being said.
I make many mistakes but I keep trying.
I have many friends all from different cultures and speak many different languages so my mind is in a whirl most of the time.
It has helped me in my work and to learn new language of the horse, equus.
Have agreat day,
Wow. I cant even speak English well, most of the time, and its the only language I speak, except for a very little Spanish. I dont think ASL would be very helpful on the forum, though, (grin) From what I have seen of Gaelic, I think it would be a very difficult language to learn, much less write. I can see where speaking so many languages could be confusing at times. Anyway, you have a nice day too, in whatever language you prefer.
Hi Ronda, that's cool that you can speak several languages! I too can speak some Spanish and sign language, but both not too well at all. You're a pretty bright person, don't forget that! Take care.
Thanks so much phantommustang1 for your very helpful and thoughtful comments here. Hopefully everything has settled now and we can look forward to more thoughtful posts in the future. I have learnt that it is better not to respond in anger but to leave it for awhile and to consider why you are angry first. It is certainly not much fun reading posts written in anger. I am so pleased Ronda that you have such a sensible and supportive husband. Grateful too as we would miss your help and the research you do so much so please thank him for me. All the best to everyone on Forum and have fun with your beautiful animals.
I have to say I do not post much on the Forum, mostly because of what I have just read.
I paid to the Uni as everyone else but the cost is surely for the lessons presented by Monty and other guests for us to learn from.
The forum was, I thought, set up to enable each member to perhaps learn more from members who are in different countries and work in different disciplines. This is what I find interesting but it seems over recent months is seems to be just people moaning and complaining about their membership totally related to this Forum. I really must have missed the point.
I thought the discussion were going to be about the lessons and different things people have tried with horses and found success with therefore enabling people to have more understanding of the horse world in general.
As people get to know each other in a way I don't think it is wrong to ask after people's health when things have happened to them and be interested in the development of particular horses but it should all come back to the reason the Uni has been set up.
We don't have to agree with everything people say but I feel we do have to respect independent opinions.
Bringing back old posts are also at times relevant especially if new members are coming on all the time, as mentioned before, if it is a subject you are familiar with then there is no need to re-read but sometimes someone says something slightly different and changes your thoughts on a subject.
Hope all who read this are having fun with their horses and continue to enjoy being part of this community.
A great comment, Ruth, and thanks for it. We should keep this in mind and I think we have been recently as recent posts have generally been informative and interesting.
I think it's hard both ways. You want to keep the site as focused as possible, but in my opinion, I'd also like to find out a bit about the other uni students. I love learning about other people and it makes it easier to take advice from a stranger :) Also, as for the older posts, I agree with what some people said. An older post may have been useful to me in my searches, but I may find that in my situation, the question may not have given me the answer I needed. As for all of you who do the research, or just answer with your opinion, I appreciate all of it! I myself, will read different people's opinions, assess them, and then put together what I feel will work best for my horse and I. I appreciate a variety of opinions, then I have more to think about :) ALL ANSWERS ARE APPRECIATED!!! Thanks everyone for your hard work. I just wish there were MORE posts! I don't find that enough people post! I still have some questions that I posted, that have not been replied to. Which is fine, I was just hoping for more!
Hey everyone - first time in my time at the Uni I have looked at this particular forum. I hope everyone has now got all things off their chests and we can all move forward as united people who want Monty's principles of the non violent Equus language to take over the horse world and make it a better place. Of course we are all different but we are also united by the strong bond that Monty has given us. If we respect each other and our differences and remeber that we all want the best for all horses we can make this work effectively. Hope as a newby I am not offending anyone. Best wishes to all Monty devotees. Cheers Jan
Hi everybody - a student asked me on the Intro course last week how I could tolerate peoples way of talking about their horses, you know oh he is so stupid, so silly, not at all afraid just stupid. Well, in my world there is always, always an easy explanation why horses act (now, if they do act and not "just react") the way they do. I love every horse owner, I have just told my self that as soon as I can find that hart of good in a horse owner I know I will be able to help their horse.
Love to all of you - I wish I could tell you what day the anger goes away, but it is very individual my friends. One day it all goes away and you find the tools to keep it on a fare distance. It will be easier to breath my friends, I promise!
Now, let´s make the FORUM FUN for my 22 newcomers from Scandinavia! Warmest Ann Sweden and I got some Great Shots for you next week on the youtubechannel!