Hiya, i have just found out that the poeple who own my yard and bring my horse in are using a whip to do so!! My boy is a remidial case and was beaten for about 15 years of his life. Over the past five years i have worked so hard to get him to trust me and other people, not to be head shy, not to expect to be hit and do this through wanting to do it, not because he's afraid.
They have said that they would never hit him but hold it up so the horses can see it, hold it across them so they don't push forward and push it into his neck to make him move over. (i shoudl say my horse can be a bit on his toes but just a quick word or a check and he responds. Ive also been doing a lot of dually work with him to walk nicely so he doesn't/shouldn't be bargy)
To me this is totally unacceptblae so i worote them a letter explaining how upset i was, why i do not ever what a whip even near him and and if they had a problem they should speak to me and i can do something.
They have just rung me at work saying how ive upset them and how much they have done for me( which is true) and how they never touch him with it and he doesn't show signs of fear and i am over reacting.
Am i? I think even if i am they should still respect my wishes and i don;t know if he shows fear as im not there.
What camn i say to them to make them understand?
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Hi Widgymaphlip,
This is really hard for you, I can see that!
Did you notice a change in your horse's behavior, since he has been exposed to the whip? There are some very important lessons here on the UNI about headshy horses and the way to solve their problems. I guess you haven't worked your way through all lessons yet, search for "Creating trust in rescued wild horses". These 5 lessons may give you a roadmap to follow when helping your horse overcome his headshyness and
you might want to ask your yardowners to watch them with you.
Watch the lessons a couple of times, so you'll see all sorts of nuances.
Please keep us posted!
You are not over reacting - you are concerned for the wellbeing of your horse. However, I would suggest that you ask them to show you how they bring your horse in while you stand back. You can then watch them, watch your horses reaction and make an informed decision. If you decide you do not like they way they do it then you teach them there and then how you would like your horse brought in.
The problem with holding a whip is that they may have good intentions never to use it but what if he spooked or did something they didn't like? The temptation to lash out can be very great. Further, I'm always cautious when people use phrases like "...push it into his neck to make him move over". One persons ideas of a gentle push is another persons idea of a bloody great wallop!
Livery yards are tricky things and yard owners have every right to keep themselves safe but they must work with you not do what they think is right.
Keep us posted, good luck!
Hi. The trouble here is different ideas. This is an older guy. You can introduce Monty's methods bit by bit. Folllow the lessons. Don't feel you are alone cause you're not.- you have the forum, worldwide advice. Keep us posted, We will do all we can to help you. Jo
Perhaps if you share the Uni with the yard owners you can help them be more understanding/confident handling your horse & others. Quite possibly this could be turned into a positive situation- you have the opportunity to offer these people a most valuable experience, the benefits of Monty's methods. Clearly, these people have tried to support you & your horse. Be generous & give them access to Monty's gifts. You'll both benefit & so will the horses. Cheers, Jo.
Thank you all!!
Yes it is difficult as i they have been so helpful and helped look after woody when i broke my collar bone. Probably why this has been such a shock to me. I have told them his history, what i do, why, the methods i use ect and they have always seemed to have accepted it.
Miriam, i will definitely look at those videos-wading my way through slowly through!lol Thing is after everything he's been through i can pretty much do anything i like with him (except donkeys but that's another thing!)and he isn't head shy any more and sudden movements ect he is ok with now which is why i cannot afford for anything to happen to compromise this-he's doing so well! I'me even incrementally getting his used to a bow and arrow as i want to do horse back archery on him and because im aware of my body language and nothing is threatening he is dong great!
Vicci, that is what im afraid of-as i said, woods can be on his toes occasionally but he is usually a doddle to bring in, doesn't push, will react to your voice if you ask him but yes if he spooked , the temptation to 'correct' him would be very real. I haven't noticed a change in his behavior other than he stands well back now when it's bringing in time. Thing is they have a holding pen they let the horses free-for-all into, where their horse are horrendous, which is probably why they wave a stick at them to get back-as usual man made problem, if they went in and got them out individually this situation wouldn't happen!!
Jo he is old school and doesn't like to be challenged. When he told me he uses it to bring it in, he also said 'he needs a firm hand to know his place'-he does like getting a rise out of people but this attitude scares me. I think they are so set in their ways they wouldn't understand even if i did show them the lessons. It is worth a try if they are open to it though.
Thank you all again and wish me luck, i think i will be seeing them in the morning!!
Hi. Of course we wish you luck! The most important points to make are Monty is 80 in May 2015 & still handles horses that other people can't, Monty has been doing this all his life (so no matter how 'old school' Monty has a longer history) & show them the reversing videos from 4 to 9 weeks ago. The final one is awesome! Cheers, Jo
Hi Widgymaphlip - just read your thread - been too busy lately to log in. So sorry to know you are having issues with the people who own your yard. So hard when you have come so far with Woody. Wish there was an easy solution but I doubt that there is. I would just ask them nicely to not use a stick near Woody but they should be aware of that already after all the training you have pug in. From my own experience I doubt very much if they would be prepared to watch any of Monty's videos. Being older and horsey people they have no doubt heard of him and have already rejected his methods in their own minds. Trying to make them understand will probably just antagonise them. Even though they have been so helpful in the past you may have to consider changing yards. Hard I know but otherwise there is little you can do with these old school types.
Sorry for typos and whip not stick!