lunging or longlining she just flat out refuses to move, if she does move its backwards. I have tryed joining up but it's like she has no flight instinct. I have chased her around and tryed to send her out in every way a can possible find, and she just stands there like what r u doing. I am lost in what to do. Any advise would be great ! Xx
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My horse won't move or lunge !!

lunging or longlining she just flat out refuses to move, if she does move its backwards. I have tryed joining up but it's like she has no flight instinct. I have chased her around and tryed to send her out in every way a can possible find, and she just stands there like what r u doing. I am lost in what to do. Any advise would be great ! Xx
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When you tried to do join-up did you have the saddle on or off? Also, do you have a dually halter? Are you starting to take the online university yet with Monty? If not I suggest that you start taking it. There is a wealth of information to be learnt by Monty Roberts!! He knows what he is doing!! I have gone to several different sites and many are fine sites but not anything like this site. He is so easy to understand,as well as to like,for he's not out to get rich but teach others this way of handling horses of all kinds so we may all do well with our horses as well as other peoples horses,with absolutely NO VIOLENCE!!! I Love this way and have always felt that there was no need of violence anywhere around horses that it would just make them more determined that we are their predators. Alot of this is plain old common sense, while the rest is years & years of studing horses. Either way we all have alot we can learn from others,by the way Jo also gave you very good advice. Good luck with your filly.
I think you need to work a bit more on your communication and understanding of what is happening between you and your horse as there are some clues in what you say but obviously I can't see your horse :-) You describe her as stubborn; but we must be careful when we attribute labels like this as it shuts down our ability to analyse what's happening. I sense your horse is confused, and unsure about what you are asking.
What is your relationship like with her normally? If it is very good then she may be confused about being sent away for Join Up if she is already "joined up " with you. If she does not like having the saddle on and off, slow down and see if you can work out why not then address the reason. If all is well and she is moving backwards when you longline her then I think it is either (1) she feels really "odd" with this thing on her back and not confident to go forwards in which case lead her or get her to follow another horse (but be very careful in case she reacts) or (2) it is your positioning and you are giving her confusing messages (a common thing when learning to longline)
Hope that helps :-)