I was thrilled to learn that Monty will participate at Flyinge in April. If things sort out the way I hope, I plan to go.
Just wish it was earlier in the day, because I have a 4 hrs drive to get there - and not enough money for both gas and to stay the night at a motel - so I need to make the drive back home same day.
But it will be worth it just to see Monty again!!! :)
Wanted to ask if any one else here will be there? (I assume Ann is! ;D ) Maybe we could meet up?
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Where in the Wide World is Monty
Monty in Sweden April 6! Who's going?

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Yay! I am going!!! And I am bringing 4 friends who are all new to Monty's methods but very curious to learn. :)
The stable owners where I keep my youngster, a girl there who owns two ponies plus her dad.
So looking forward to April 6. Fingers crossed spring is a bit closer then, than it is right now. Winter has held on a lot longer than normal this year.
The area where the clinic is held is expecting heavy winds and up to 10" (25cm) of snow tonight/tomorrow. Brrrr!
Awesome Kicki! Look forward to hearing all about it. HOpe the weather sorts itself out for you.
Same weather problems here halfway around the world. Good luck and have fun on April 6. (I will quietly sit over here and be rather jealous.)
Well, I had a great evening yesterday at Flyinge. The indoor arena was almost filled and I recognized a few "famous" faces, in the crowd nearest to the round pen. (Among them Olympic dressage rider Ulla Håkansson, who is about the same age as Monty and still competing on GP-level!)
Monty had some great horses to work with - Ann and her crew had made a fantastic job with the whole show! - and one or two just make the Uni. :)
I have seen Monty's clinic live before, and much is similar, but the horses are always different. Even if they weren't I just never get tired of watching Monty work with them, and in minutes get them to feel like he is the safest place in the world for them to be.
There was a young gray mare who had constantly bucked off her riders (at a canter, other gaits were OK for her) and Monty made such meticulous and careful work out of trying to find out why she bucked; what set her off. And what do you know!? The mare seemed to say; "Nope, I feel very safe with you here, I don't think I need to buck today." I'm not sure I am amazed at her transformation or a bit disappointed that she never bucked so they could address the problem. *LOL!*
There were so many people, I didn't get a chance to really see or talk to Monty - he also seemed a bit tired at the end of the show, I really don't know how he keeps up - so I just passed by in the line and said thanks from a Uni student.
Had to stop a bit suddenly yesterday, but here's the last of it and a couple of clarifications to the stuff above since I didn't have time to proof read before posting.
"Just make the uni" should be "MAY just make IT to the Uni".
When I said Monty looked a bit tired at the end, I meant when he sat at the signing podium, not during the actual show.
The four friends I had with me were all very taken by Monty and his methods, and thought the trip and was well worth the time and money. (We got home at 0.40 am since the show was set so late in the evening.) One of them bought a Dually halter for his horse.
Anyway, just loved to be able to see Monty Roberts live again - it's been far too long - and the evening will stay with me for quite some time.
Many, many thanks to Ann and her crew for a wonderful evening!!!