This may well be a stupid question, but last weekend I acquired 2 pregnant quarter horse mares who are due in August. One belongs to me and one to my friend.
I always quarantine new horses entering my property and worm them. These two mares have the worst case of worms I have ever seen! After being wormed, they are passing huge Bot Worms, Small and Large variety Red Worms and very large Neck Threadworms - those are the ones I can identify...
I have been collecting and bagging their manure and have mowed the grass short in the pens they are in to make this process easier.
Is there anything else I can do to manage the ground contamination in these yards? I haven't ever come across this before. Should I spray the ground with something to make sure they are all dead?
Any tips or advice on this will be greatly appreciated.
Kindest regards,
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Horse Care and Comfort
Management of worms in the pasture

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I did some research on this because I was curious as to what the management of parasites that may be left on the ground after worming. UC Davis has a great article on parasite management
Copy the above address to view. From what I read you are doing exactly what they recommend for parasite management. It also going into detail about worming of foals.
Good luck and hope your mare has a beautiful baby.
Hi Dennis
Thank you very much for your help :-) its reassuring to know that I am on the right track. I will go and read the article now.
Thank you again.
Kind regards,